chapter 6 "Drowning in Sadness"

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I looked through the closet for swim trunks, none.

"dammit.." I mumbled. I started looking under my bed, maybe a pair was down there? I dug through clothes boxes until


I found a pair, blue with white trim and jaw strings. they almost look like normal shorts but the type of fabric makes it obvious its not. I got undressed and put the trunks on. I looked at the address again on Mable's letter and grabbed a towel. Time to go.

I ran down the steps to be greeted by Stan "Where you goin kid? The pool?"

I nodded "I was invited to go to a friends, yeah." that's a lie, I hate Mable's new "friends"

"ok, stay outa trouble" stan said, ruffling my hair and sending me on my way. I Decided to say bye to Ford as well. I'm not sure why, I'm just going to the pool. As I walked down the road the house should be on I stared to tear up even. Why am I like this. I'll see them again. I'll be fine.

I walked up to the house that had the right address, it was pretty big, and modern. Nice looking. I knock at the door.

"hello?" I asked.

I was greeted by a girl taller then me, with almost white blond hair and blue eyes. She had darker skin, but it seemed tanned.

"Dipper! hi!" she hugged me.

"u-uh hi there..."

she smiled at me "Mable said you wouldn't sho.."

she cut herself off as she brushed a finger across my cheek

"Dipper, have you been crying?"

I didn't think id have tear tracks but I suppose I did "Wh-what? no!" I said nervously She gave me a concerned look, then lifted up my hair

shit she's gonna see the birth mark

she gasped as tears showed in her eyes.

she mumbled "why so soon?" as she walked away. I was so confused. So soon what? She had walked outside. I followed.

"hey dipshit!" said a brown haired girl in a red bikini. Sorta showed to much skin in my opinion. She was sitting on top of a tall diving board.

"um, hi" I mumbled. Why did I come here and the first place. I saw another blond girl talking with Mable. But, Mable was pulled aside by the white haired girl from before, and they walked to the side of the house together.

I sat at the end of the pool and simply waited. I didn't know what else to do. I stuck my legs in the water and relaxed. I felt a hand on the back of my head.

"hey dip, you like swimming?" said who I assumed was the brown haired girl.

"oh... uh yeah, I do actually"

I heard another girl "Good"

then, the brown haired one again, "cause you'll be swimming with the fishes."


I felt rope attached to my arm, and looked over, I had a cinder block tied to my arm. "Stop! Please" I cried, but it was no use. I was pushed into the water were I couldn't swim up. I tried to untie the rope, swim, hold my breath until someone saved me. I can hold my breath for 3 min. I counted 60 seconds...120 seconds...I gave up. no one will save me. I'm gonna die down here. Good bye mom, dad, Stan, Ford, Mable....Bill.

I stopped holding my breath, its over. My vision went blurry as I opened my eyes, then back. Goodbye world.


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