chapter 9 "land before the times"

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flash back

two boys sat on a beach.

one was smaller then the other, but both were in fact the exact same age. One, was a natural blond, he had bits of a very dark brown in his hair too. His tanned skin and piercing Green, almost yellow eyes contrast the boy next to him.

You'd swear the boy had dyed his hair, but no. Never. his almost white hair had a tint of blue to it. he has dull blue eyes, though they were lit by joy as the boy next to him complained about life.

These boys were in fact, twins. Though no one ever would guess it, they were. Bill, and Will Cipher. they lived in an empire, the Strano Empire. Ruled by the wise, yet threating king Lotto Strange.

The taller blond, Bill tossed a rock into the water, it skipped across the rolling waves.

"I just don understand why he up and left" Bill picked up another rock and tossed it "it's not fair!"

Will, the smaller one nodded in agreement "you should still calm down'

"But!" Bill began, Will shook his head "please? I wanna play ball"

He pulled a red ball out of his backpack next to him. "please bubba?"

Bill smiled, "sure thing"

The two played for hours, once Will set up some vines to work as a net between two tree's, it was on.

The two had both one 3 rounds each. This was the last round.

Bill knocked the crimson ball over the net, only for it to rush into the water behind Will.

"I'll get it!" Will cried out. Bill nodded, his brother took off his shirt, for mother would kill him if it got wet. He jumped in the water. Bill looked up expecting a blue sky, but was met with black clouds.


Thunder lashed in the distant sea. Bill looked out to his brother.

He huge wave was lumbering towards the weak boy.

Bill yelled his name

"Will!! get outa there!"

Will's head poked up, then a wave smashed him down.

"Will!" winded Bill, he jumped into the water, not bothering to take his shirt off like mother always asked.

He opened his eyes to see Will floating away, knocked out. Bill swam over

I got you buddy. You'll be ok.

Bill struggled to hold his breath, swim, and drag the boy behind him, no matter how small he was.

He swam until a wave knocked them both to land.

after a few moments, Will spit up water. Red water. Wait, that's not water,

The boy cried, then screamed in pain.

"Will!" Bill was crying himself. He never cried. Even when he was born, he didn't cry. He hugged his brother, holding him tight.

"Bill, everything hurts..."

"You'll be ok" Bill said in a hushed voice, Will pulled away, his hands in his face.

"Bubba" Will began "be honest"

He brought his hands away.


"how bad is it?"

Blood dripped on Will's pants and bare body. It rolled down his face like sobbing tears. It even rolled from the right spot, the eye. But there was only one eye, and that one cried tears, not blood. But his brother's open socket cried too. It cried out all the blood it could.

"oh my god, Will..."

Will's eye widened "what?"

Bill covered his mouth, it's all his fault.

"you only eye"

Will covered his socket, then his mouth.

"oh...oh my... oh my goodness" Will sobbed harder then he ever had, the pain was killing the poor boy. Bill Picked him up

"let's go, I know a doctor lives on this street, We'll get you fixed up!"

Will nodded.

Time skip

Will's eye after this event was now a ice blue, he cried over tiny things and was never seen without his brother. Bill blamed himself for that day.

and later,

millions of years later

he blamed himself for every event afterwards too.

The blame was his.

He killed them all, besides the one who begged and the one who fought.

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