Chapter 2 "a new friend"

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He kept carrying me through the woods.

I must have fallen asleep cause I don't remember being this deep in the forest. I was definitely far from the shack at this rate... where is this dude bringing me? Should I ask? God I don't know what to do with this guy I mean fuck. I don't even know him! What am I doing with my life right now?!

I sat up in his arms.

"oh, look who decided to get up" the strange man said, his face had a big smirk on it.

"where are we going?" I asked.

"my house kid, now lay back down. we're almost there"

I was mad. Pissed really, why does this guy live all the way out here? But I did as he asked. He's been pretty nice so far. After all I'm not dead yet.

A little bit later and we were at a huge house. It was big cabin type house, but modern-ish? It's pretty though. When you walk in your in a big entrance room, two doors on your sides and a short hallway ahead. At the other end of said hallway a huge room with high a sealing stood. It had a huge chandelier in the middle. There was stairs ahead next.

We started to go up them. once up the steps there was a window over looking a garden, a big garden. It had one of those rose bush mazes and in the center of the maze there was a fountain. he turned left and went down a long hallway. We reached a door with "mason pines" carved in it. I started to freak out, in my head of course. How the fuck does he know my name, my REAL name?!

He set me down in bed. The room was cozy, plain but cozy. There was no windows though...plenty of book shelves lined the walls leaving room for a small dresser, the bed, and a fire place. Yep you read that right. Go ahead go back and read it again.

A fire place, in a bedroom. Who is this guy and how is he so rich? How does he know me. My thoughts were cut off. The man was sitting at the end of the bed.

"calm down, I'm not gonna kill you or anything. I wanna help." He said. A sweet smile on his face. He seemed honest. Maybe he's and ex of Mable's and that's how he knows me...yeah sure.

"with what" I asked.

"lets talk about that in the morning. My name is Bill, Bill Sciens Oculus." Bill said. He went over to light switch and turned it off. He left the room, but as soon as he did the fire place lit. Odd... maybe its electric?

I tossed and turned for awhile. The name Bill, outa all names, Bill. It is a common name, I shouldn't worry. But what's with the rest of his name. A middle name like Sciens is just odd... and I've never met someone with the last name Oculus. Oh well... Sleep was calling my name and I gave in.

Bill's point of view

"I can't believe that idiot trusts me already. To easy! To EASY!!!" I uh, "said" totally didn't yell that when he fell asleep. Hah... Shut up. Still, he trusts me! God he's lost his touch, maybe cause he lost his sis...hehehe.

I walked in my study, and grabbed the box under my desk. A dark red box with a big white eye. A nice... big white eye. Hehehe~. I opened it and looked at the blue knife inside. A dark blue handle that had plenty of my spells and stuff on it. The blade itself was is a light blue, it glows that color cause the spell I have on it.

A chuckle broke threw my flesh suit.

"They have no idea what's coming. I will get my revenge, Sixsers~"

End of chapter 2, a new friend.

Chapter 3 is out

Hey guys! If you want, I dare you to figure out what Bill's name means. Hint, its latin.

This chapter was a lot of fun =) _

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