Chapter 16 "He Didn't Want to"

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I woke up to being rattled

"Pine tree!~ if you want food you have to get it now Pine tree!"

I growled and tossed a pillow at him "Get it for me~"

Bill laughed and summoned walffels.

"Thanks" I smiled at him, you know, he's really changed for the better.

Bill stepped over to the closet putting on his leather gloves and boots. He looked in the mirror fixing his bowtie

"After this party is done, i have a little present for you, ok?"

I nodded "Thanks! i can't wait!" I stood up and went over to hug Bill. At first he didn't hug back, he gasped when i hugged him. A few seconds later he wrapped one arm around me and the other played with my kurly corckscrews of hair.

"I love you Dipper"

"i love you too, Bill"

Bill let go and so did i, He blew me a kiss as he stepped out the door, saying

"be good my Pinetree~"

I turned a little pink and sat down to embarrsing.

Will's point of view

"mason we have to tell dipper" i demanded

"no... we don't. Not yet"

"Mason Gleeful! Dipper is worried sick dammit!" I shouted

Mason shook his head

"Dipper loves Bill, he's happy there. I know it's hard for me to ever be happy. He IS me! I wanna let him be happy. Trust me I hate that demon for what he did to you and him! But i just want Dipper to be happy. I don't wanna force him to choose between his family and his lover"

I nodded "i understand"

"Thanks Will. But let me say this. I WILL kill Bill Cipher is he hurts you or dipper EVER again!"

I backed up. I hate it when he yells. So loud. So scary.

So much like Ford...

So much like Bill

So much like Mom....

"Will, im sorry" Mason hugged me "i love you"

Point of view Dipper

I sat in that room reading books for hours. I mean hours. Though, who could read forever? I couldn't do it anymore and i drifted off to sleep.


"Dipper~" A voice i knew called out.

But it wasnt Bill. Nor Will or Mason or any of my family. Where the hell have i heard this voice?

I was sitting in the forest on a rocky semi-big hill that had a cliff at the end. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked back.

A man with silky black hair looked at my with his purple eyes. The whites in his eyes were black, and his pupal was white


He had black leather gloves like Bill's, A long light-ish purple cape, with a almost black suit underneath

"Like what you see?" The strange man asks. I blush, he reminds me of Bill...but somehow MORE creepy!

"Who are you?" i asked. He smiled and drew a swoard

"Call me Strange."

"what do you wan't" I asked as he started to circle around me

"Oh Dipper~ it's just a little thing." I felt the blade trace along my back, not enough to cut but enough to scratch and bruise.

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