Chapter 15 "Something Happened"

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It was around noon when I forced Bill to let me out of bed so I could get food. He made chocolate fudge pancakes. they were pretty good! After I ate it, he brought me to the large open living room. He laid down on the couch and I laid on top of him.

"ugh... Pinetree why does my head hurt so bad?" Bill groaned, he threw his head back saying "owwww" afterwards.

"I thought you found pain funny?" I smirked at the demon only to get a glare

"help me dammit!"

I laughed at that one, I rolled off Bill and onto the floor laughing my ass off

"It isn't funny!~" Bill yelled, booping my nose. "shut up!"

I laughed harder, Bill cipher has a hangover.

"whats a hangover?" Bill asked. I chuckled

"you know, for being an all knowing demon... you really don't know a whole lot" i replyed sarcasticly smirking.

Bill sent me a death glare in return

"Shut it Pinetree before I give you this 'hang over'"

I started laughing again

"Good luck getting a nerd drunk Bill, good luck"

Bill growled and summoned a glass in his hand

full of beer


"Is that a challange I hear? Bill smirks and kisses me "well?~" Bill pulls me back onto the couch and pins me down

"Nooooooooo!" I yell, laughing. I was too slap-happy to care.

"come on~ its no fair if i have to have a hangover and you don't!" Bill starts chuckleing too. His smile seems pure, not the normal devilish look. He's really happy.

"It's your own damn fault you dorito!" I try to push him away.

"thats it" Bill says "i know your weekness"

I raise a brow "whats that?"

Bill smirks childishly "tickles"

Before i know it im laughing my ass of, bring tickled by the demon that killed my family. The demon I love.

"Bill you asshole! Stop!~" i yell between laughs

"never!" Bill yells, tickling me more.

Point of view ???

I looked threw the window at the demon that everyone knew the name of and his pet human. A human Sara has a liking for. I summon my sythe

My bat wings flutter out, my pointy red tail and horns come free as well.

"Every human will die for their lies. Every Angle will die with the human's last cries. I'll be on top for once in my demonic life."

I flew to the roof

"Mali Romanius shall at last rise above her sister and all the filth of this world"

I looked at the large red X in the sky, Wind blew briskly past me

"this is the end of all time. Time no longer exists. I will rule forever."

I jumped and flew into the sky.

Same time, Mason's point of view (REVERSE DIPPER)

Will has been begging to visit Dipper. But i've had shows all week! I just wanna relax while I can...

"Please, pretty please!" Will begged.

I was laying in bed as the frail worlock I has mistaken for a demon begged to see his new best friend.

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