Chapter 3 "sing a truth"

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Dipper's point of view

so comfy...I don't remember my bed being this...this great. I could swear it isn't this big either. I think Ford put more blankets on me too...have I always had silky pajamas?


I can't believe I just thought I was in the shack for a second. God I'm an idiot. Like, a big bed? A COMFY big bed??? Stan would never spend money on that! I've never had this many blankets! I sat up and looked at my clothes.

I never got changed last night...did this Bill guy change my clothes while I was asleep???!

I didn't know what to think. So I started searching for my clothes. First in the dresser, nope. Just other really nice clothes. Like a suit, tux, few flannels, fuzzy pajamas, more silky pajamas, but one thing caught eye. A hat. Simple base ball cap at first glance but... when I looked closer it looked much like my hat!

White and blue, comfy and snug baseball cap. But there wasn't a pine tree. There was the big dipper. I was amazed. I picked up the hat and looked at it.

"it'll do" I said. I'd grown fond of having a hat at all times.

I looked under the bed and


my clothes, my muddy gross clothes. I grabbed my phone outa the pocket along with my ear buds. Oh great they're a tangled mess! That's a big shocker. I deiced a red flannel with a blue jacket and jeans will do.

The clothes in the closet fit perfectly. How the fuck did this guy know my size too?! Maybe he guessed? Got lucky? How...

My thoughts trailed off when I smelt something good from down stairs. I sniffed the air.

"pancakes?" I asked myself. I opened the door and headed towards the steps. But I had to stop at the window. That garden is so pretty, it's almost to perfect. This whole situation is to good to be true isn't it?

A charming man finds me in the woods crying and carries me to his own little wonderland. This is to good. What's the catch? He's gonna kill me soon? I never get to go home? Is this all just a dream?

"Dipper!~ Breakfast! I know your up!"

Bill's voice called out from a little ways away. I couldn't help but smile. This Bill is a lot nicer then the isosceles demon I knew before.

I went down the steps and through a door on the left. In there was the kitchen, Bill had a platter of pancakes. Knew it. Though it only looked like enough for one.

"come on, I'll get your drink when you sit down."

We walked into a small eating room. Not dining room. There where French doors in the room that led to the dinning room. The table looked made for at least 30, not 2. The small round table with 3 seats was much nicer. At least to me it is.

He pulled out a chair and sat the pancakes in front of me.

"eat up" he said, setting down a for and knife, syrup, and a glass of milk. Of course I thanked him and started eating. He's a great cook to say the least.

But, it was kinda creepy. He just leaned against the wall and...starred at me. So creepy... I also felt bad in a way... he didn't have anything to eat. I looked over at him.

"hey..." I said awkwardly

his eyes seemed to light up in surprise "hm? yes?"

"aren't you hungry too? I doubt I'm gonna be able to finish this can have some you know?"

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