Chapter 10 "Home Sweet Home"

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I sat in next to Bill in his study. All the blinds were closed so I assumed, it was night. The only thing lighting the room was dim candles. He read me random mystery novels from the wonderful study.

"Bill?" I asked, yawning right after.

"yes pine tree?" His golden eye flickered my way

"do you have to sleep?" I questioned. Bill smiled and patted my head.

"why of course, I need to sleep just like you~" he brought his black gloved finger to the bottom of my chin and flicked my head up right as I began to doze off.

"tired, darling?" Bill asked, smiling, running his fingers through my hair.

"Bill I'm not a baby!" I argued. I pushed his and away and crossed my arms. Bill booped my nose and smiled.

"we can watch a movie~" Bill hummed. A smiled creeped up my lips.

"can I pick?" I let out my puppy eyes. there are so many movies I know that Bill would like!

He grabbed my arm and I felt my body vanish, such an odd feeling. I closed my eyes for only a moment, and once I opened them I was in a bedroom larger then mine. A king sized bed with a see-through yellow cloth around it. Black pillows and light yellow sheets. the room's walls were painted back, pictures hung on the walls with yellow frames, a desk by a window with yellow blinds. A TV, closet, I could see on the side there was a bathroom too.

This must be Bill's room.

Bill picked me up and sat in bed. Setting me on his lap as he did so. It is so childish. Though, I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it. Bill turned on the TV and ran his fingers through my hair. But I couldn't help but notice that, well every room in the house was lit by candles. Not only that but all the windows are closed up, and covered. But, the light that comes in has a red hue. If it was sunset, it would have ended by now.

"Bill?" I looked up at him, he turned to me and smiled.

"Yes Pinetree?" Bill twirled his fingers in my hair. So nice... do I really wanna bring up something so silly?

"I'm sure it isn't silly darling." Bill's smile grew into a smirk.

"Stop reading my mind, you damn dorito!" I yelled. Of course, mind fuckin reading.

Bill nodded. He really wants me to ask, huh? He kept playing with my hair with those thick black gloves on.

"Bill, why is there red light from the window?"

Bill stopped playing with my hair and his eye widened. I looked at me for a bit, then to the window, then back to me.

"I-it's just sunset dear." Bill said after quite awhile.

"But, sunset doesn't last this long." I responded. He wasn't making any sense. Is Bill lying?

I saw his eye flash red. "stop asking questions."

"But-" I demanded. Bill grabbed my shoulders and tossed me off his lap. He got on top of me, his eye beaming red.

"B-Bill...?" I muttered out. What made him so mad all the sudden.

"watch that mouth of yours before you get in big trouble."

I was starting to shake, he was so cruel all the sudden.

"Is that clear?"

I was to afraid to speak, it's as if I just remembered Bill is fucking insane.

Bill pulled my hair so I was up in his face. his eye becoming a deeper red. I quietly screamed in pain.

"Is. That. Clear?"

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