Chapter 8 "Nightmare"

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I looked at the blade in my hand then to Pine Tree's ghost.

"Bill! we had a deal! What are you doing?!" he cried out, ghostly tears steaming down his face. Jeez, I upset him that much?

"I'm doing my part of the deal pine tree."

"How is this gonna help Shoo- Mable?!" he screamed. He STILL cares about her? You really are an idiot.

"heh, just " I put my hands over my eye in a triangle, the best shape "trust me"

Poor Pine tree's eyes widened. He looked down and started bawling. Pathetic. She hates you, why do you even care idiot? Why do you care about anyone...? why does anyone care about anyone? What was the point in saving the worthless guy? who was he?

My memories of my past before this plain of existence swirled in my mind. All I remembered was a blue haired kid with 1 eye crying, saying he was ok and I don't have to kill them. All I remember is his begging. Shouting my name, like a lost puppy. My heart strings pull when I think of him. Now...they're pulling when I think about Pine Tree... ugh.

"See you in a bit then Pine Tree!" I hollered. teleporting my way to the shack. I summoned a hat and changed clothes. They'll know right away when I'm in that. I prepared my best "lost puppy" "poor me" impression.

I knocked

Stan answered the door, I've never seen him so desperate.


I tried my best to make tears stroll down this meat sack's face. It worked. I sobbed and hugged Stan.

"Dipper...come on in, it's ok."

I walked behind Fez for a bit. Then grabbed his arm

"huh? what is it kid?"

"Stan.." I said in Dipper's voice.

"what?" he asked

"I want you to be happy, ok?" I pulled out the knife

"k-kid, woah put that down b-before you hurt someone!"

"hehe...Don't worry Fez!" I let my voice slip out, and brought my head up so he could see my eyes.

"That's the point!" I stabbed the hold man in the arm.

"Stop! Dipper! Bill! What have you done to him?!"

I pushed the man to the floor and plunged the knife in his chest.


and again.

and again

and again

and again






I snapped out of it when I noticed he was already dead, didn't have long to collect the soul. Shit.

I looked at the knife and said

"Fez, Stanley Pines"

His symbol appeared.

One down, rest of the town to go.

With a snap of my fingers I was clean. I pulled the hat down so you couldn't see the eyes and screamed in horror. Of course, in Pine Tree's voice. I heard Ford rushing in from upstairs, telling who I guess is Shooting Star "stay there"

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