Chapter 4 "more then friends?..."

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Bill's point of view

the kid fell asleep after a bit, he's so dumb now it's...what's the worst insult to call a man? about adorable? That works. He's so dumb it's cute. That's just sad pine tree, sad.

eventually he woke up though. I had put him back in his cag- I mean room. He seemed happy, I didn't like that but eh. He needs to trust me for this plan to work after all. I decided to look over my plans for a bit while he slept.

Make deal


get a pines to trust me


reveal who I am


make another deal

nope...ugh this may be hard. I've earned his trust though...


I heard a shy voice from down the hall. I didn't have time...

"Bill where are you?"

I sighed and yelled "my study pine tree!" fast foot steps came to the study. The door opened, this kid... He looked so happy. I decided to read his thoughts.

I wonder what he's doing? Why does he look upset? I hope I didn't upset him

"sit down, I need to finish this then we can go out to the garden for a bit then take you home"

He nodded and sat down, he stared at me for awhile... Then started looking around at the study. Once he started that, I grabbed the box and picked out the knife and slipped it in my coat's pocket. He looked over at me.

"what's that?" he started to get up

shit, shit, shit!!!

"demon stuff kid, no touching." I said, I glared at him. I saw him start to get worried. I got up and grabbed his hand.

Dipper's point of view

oh god did I piss him off? fuck I messed up! Is he gonna kill me?

"lets go, I'm not gonna bite. I thought you liked the garden?" Bill smiled at me.

"o-oh yeah!" I said. God I get to worried...what am I doing right now? Am I really hanging out with him?...

He pulled me out the study and outside. He grunted.

"I don't feel like navigating the maze..." with a snap of his fingers we were at the center, the fountain..

I looked around "wow...this is amazing!" I let go of Bill's hand and walked over to the flowers. Then looked back at Bill. He smiled and said.

"you trust me, don't you Dipper?" he started to walk over to me

holy shit what is he doing?

he put his hands on my shoulder

"don't you?"

I nodded "of course Bill, you've been so nice and..." I stammered for words. God, why is he kinda cute?... like...ugh...

Bill chuckled "well thank you pine tree~ you're cute too~"

"Bill~" I whined "stop reading my mind!"

His lightly grabbed my chin " about, no"

he kissed me...he licked my bottom lip. I started freaking out. I had to push him away.


He just looked at me funny "what?"

I had a nervous laugh "that was my first kiss..."

His eyes widened for a second "oh really? you want a second~"

I felt my face heat up...oh god I'm probably blushing so hard

"later. I need to get home." I said

Bill nodded and snapped his fingers. We were at the front door. I hugged him

"thank you Bill...bye" I mumbled, it was getting late. I had almost been gone 2 days.

he whispered in my ear "meet me at the statue at noon tomorrow, ok?"

I nodded and smiled. I walked toward the door and waved bye. I was so happy.

I opened the door

I heard Stan yell "who is it?"

"Dipper!" I yelled. Ford walked up to me in shock, then ran in for the hug.

"Dipper! you worried me sick! NEVER do that again" yelled Ford. He grabbed my shoulders.


I nodded. "I'm sorry Ford...I just got lost" Stan stood behind Ford.

"Why did you run out like that kid?" Stan asked.

"I...I just..." I saw Mable in the other room.

"I don't know ok?!" I demanded, pushing away. I ran through the living room...Those girls are over again?

I ran upstairs and slammed the door.

"Why..." I started to cry. I sat against the door facing the window. "Why is she like this now?"

The window flew open.

"what the?..."

I whipped my tears then got up.


Bill came in through the window. "You need company?"

End of chapter 4 "more then friends?..."

Chapter 5 is out

I hope you enjoyed. stay tuned!

hoped you liked the bit of fluff

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