Chapter 13 "Meet Again, Meet First Time"

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Me, Mason and Will got along for a few days. We would play card games and such. I even go to go to one of the shows! They are really good. Though, I noticed Mable looking at me from the stage. That worries me.

A lot

After the show I walked out to the town I knew, I turned to my left.

"Wendy?" I said out loud. She turned to me smoking, tossing it to the ground and stomping it into the ground

"Mason?" she asked "what the hell are you wearing?"

"no no," I shook my head and smiled, this Wendy looked like a female, red head Roby, but, the hoodie was a zip up crop top instead. that's the only difference.

"I'm Dipper" I held out my hand "sorry you look like someone I know."

"you called me by name" Wendy glanced me up and down " seem pretty nice though"

I smiled at the compliment "thanks"

she came up to me and played with my hair "lot cuter then Mason...I bet they'd keep you as a pet if they found you."

I shook my head "no, no. I'm friends with-" I was cut off by Wendy

"come on cutie, you can come to my place." she zipped her lips then pretended to put the key in my pocket.

I pulled away, this a whore?

"what the fuck?" I asked, pulling away "god, you are a whore or somthin?"

Wendy slapped me "fuck you!"

I closed my eyes ready to be beat, I opened them to find Mable holding Wendy back.

"well, well, hi there~" she cooed

I took a few steps back..

"come on inside darling." she grabbed my wrist "maybe then he wont be as harsh"

"you have me mistaken for someone else!" I yelled

"don't play games with me Mason!" Mable snapped, glaring me down. "I don't know how you changed so fast and got out here but, you'll be in big trouble for doing it!"

Mable then began to pull me to the back of the tent. Where she snapped her fingers.

I was now in Mason's room.

"wait til' Ford hears about this!" She laughed twirling her hair "my goodness, you can't stop can you?"

"I'm not Mason!" I shouted.

Mable grinned and booped me "is that your new reason? I can't believe you went as far as to wear eye contacts, I mean-"

she poked my eye, I yelped in pain

"those aren't contacts! I'm not Mason Gleeful, I'm Dipper Pines!" I screeched in utter panic this lady is so ignorant! I feel bad for the other me!

Mable shook her head "Pines? Like, Gideon Pines?"

I was confused, then remembered their Gideon is different from mine

"no, that's a coincidence." I shook my head. "well, not really but..." I sighed knowing I'd have to explain. Mable grabbed me by the collar "Explain you rat! Or else!"

I nodded, going to the mirror, it lit up with my touch. I pointed to the Brick colored one, with the weirdmegan X on it,

"that's where I'm from. It's the end of the world there."

She looked confused "so like, your a demon?"

That statement was the most confusing yet! "what?" I asked

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