Chapter 11 "Different people, Different worlds"

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I had been sitting chained to this damn bed for days! if I need to use the restroom he teleports me there, reads my mind so when I'm done, he teleports me back! Do you have any idea how much that sucks?! just sitting, in bed. Not only that but, I did kill my family! I killed them... god why did I trust this fucker.

"hi PineTree~" Bill stepped in the room with...ugh that. That drink!

flash back

"Bill please, j-just let me go!" Dipper cried. Bill growled at the boy.

"we had a deal. you live with me now you follow my rules!" Bill back handed the poor boy with a loud FWAP. Dipper wasn't scared of being slapped anymore though. It never hurt for long.

"why did you make me kill them?" Dipper asked, in a hushed tone, Bill stood lifeless.

"what?" he asked.

Dipper screamed at the demon "WHY DID YOU MAKE ME KILL THEM BILL?! WHY?!" Dipper was furious yet cried at the loss of his family. Why did Bill do this?

Bill glared at the boy, turning red.

Dipper's fear grew at the demon's new look. "B-Bill I-I'm so sorry!"

Bill snapped his fingers and gave Dipper a glass of blue liquid.

"huh? what's this?" Dipper asked.

Bill had a sinister smirk on his face "Drink it"

The boy took a sip, then two, then three. He ended up finishing the entire glass! The juice tasted great!

Bill patted PineTree on the head and said "now, we wait."

Dipper was puzzled, he felt fine. The drink didn't taste awful or anything. It was refreshing. Better then water on a hot and humid day. Dipper looked at Bill

"what do you mean?"

Bill's smirk grew as he hummed and pet the boy's head.

"oh Pinetree, don't worry~ you won't have to wait to long." Bill hummed in a almost singing voice. Dipper remembered how much he loved it when Bill sang, He had a voice of an angle. it's kind weird sense he is well, the polar opposite.

"you wanna hear me sing?" Bill looked honestly surprised, like he didn't think Dipper enjoyed his songs.

Dipper's stomach turned, it hurt a bit but not too much.

"Of course! Bill you have a wonderful voice, when you aren't yelling at me." Dipper mumbled that last part. Bill looked as if he was turning blue, his clothes and hair, but his cheeks grew pink.

"Dipper.." Bill began

Dipper's stomach knotted in a way it never had.

Sharp pain drilled threw his ribs and stomach. Dipper screamed in pain, rolling on his side, clenching his stomach.

The pain only grew.

Bill picked up the frail boy and held him close.

"I'm sorry" Bill whispered in the boy's ear. Dipper's eyes flickered open between sobs.

"B-Bill make it stop..." Dipper begged

Bill didn't know how to fix this, so he just rocked Pinetree back and forth.

"Bill p-please. I'd do anything" Dipper sobbed harder screaming in pain once again, leaning on the demon's chest.

Bill smiled. He looked down at the helpless boy, crying, curling up in a little ball like a little baby. He felt Dipper's tears roll down his shirt and watched him sob and scream in that sweet pain. The boy was a mess. An adorable mess~.

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