Chapter 1: Friend?

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Hello, I'm John Laurens, I'm shy and hardly ever talk- or smile. I can't even remember the last time I smiled. Maybe when I first came to high school. Well now I'm in my last year at high school and I can't wait to leave. There's a new kid this year and somehow he automatically became popular just for being new, luckily he's not like all those other popular kids like Aaron Burr. I think his name is Alexander Hamilton, he's nice and very outgoing, and cute— wait no, not cute, stop it John. Well here we go, this is the story:

John POV

My first day of high school, well he first day of my last year. I'm not excited, I hate the whole school and the whole school hates me, except Mr. Washington, but he's only a teacher he's not aloud to hate students.

No one picked on me all morning but I did hear a lot of whispers and see people pointing at me. I was used to this so it was easy to ignore. I noticed a guy about the same size as me, he had straight brown hair and brown eyes. (Hopefully his hair was straighter than he was) I tried not to stare but he was new and a received a lot of attention, I guess since he wasn't from America it fascinated people. By lunch he was more popular than Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson combined.

At lunch I didn't get anything to eat I just grabbed my sketch book and went out to the courtyard to draw in my sketch book. I started drawing a turtle when a hand grabbed my arm and jerked me up to me feet. Aaron Burr (biggest bully EVER) was clutching the the neckline of my shirt angrily.

"I think I took it to easy on you last year" he mused. I knew what would happen, he would punch me, Jefferson and Madison would threaten to say I punched Aaron if I dared to tell a teacher and it would happen all the time.

I fell back on the bench and looked up to see the new popular kid, Alexander Hamilton, spun Aaron around and punched him in the face. I winced, I didn't like Aaron but I hated seeing people get hurt.

He kneeled down by me, "Are you ok?" He asked lookin at me as if he was checking for bruises or something from where Aaron might have hit me. I flinched a bit but didn't say anything.

He grabbed my arm and looked at it. My arm had a few bruises on it, but they weren't from Aaron.
"Who did this?" Alex asked looking up at me concerned. I pulled my a back and grabbed my sketch book, I ran to the boys bathroom and hid in a stall. I liked Alexander and he talked to me and helped me but it was all out of pity, I don't need fake friends.

I came out a few minutes after lunch to go to class, and yes I did hide in the bathroom until class. I had history next and luckily it was with my favorite teacher, Mr. Washington.

I walked in the classroom to find only one table open. Thankfully no one was sitting at the table so I happily headed over to the table. I heard Washington say "John can help, go sit with him" and when I looked up Alexander Hamilton was walking over to my table. I was hoping he would walk past but he ended up sitting down next to me. As quickly as I could I hid my face in my hoodie, I was blushing and didn't want Alexander to see.

We talked about the project- Well he made suggestions and I just nodded and went along with it. It was mainly an out of school project so Alexander was coming to my house this afternoon. I haven't ever said a word to Alexander and I don't know if I ever will.

At the end of the day I got on the bus and right behind me so did Alexander. He sat in the same seat as me since he didn't ride the bus and didn't have any idea what to do. I stared out the window the whole time and didn't say a word to Alexander. He kept glancing over at me as if he wanted to talk but couldn't find the right words.

My stop came and I stood up, Alexander just followed me.
"This is your house?" He asked sounding really amazed. My house wasn't huge, it did have an upstairs but it was still a small house and most of the time a messy one, but Alexander wouldn't stop complementing how nice everything was.

When he suggested we work on the project I nodded and lead him outside. My dad didn't like visitors so we couldn't study inside. I kept walked down a small hill and Alexander reluctantly followed behind. We came to a patch of trees and up in the top of one of them was a tree house, it was clearly suppose to be white on the outside but one side was sloppily painted rainbow and written in black letters on top of it read the word Gay. I heard Alexander chuckle but ignored it.
I started climbing the latter and once I was at the top Alexander started to climb up the latter too. Opening a large cabinet I pulled out a small bean bag chair. I sat in the green one that was already out and when Alexander came up in the tree house he sat on the purple one.

"Um.....I don't want to offend you or anything but.....can you talk?" He asked nervously. I nodded yes but didn't say anything. Alexander pulled out the history project and I just messed with a strand of my curly hair that had came out of my loose ponytail. Alexander started talking about the project but I zoned out. I was starring at Alexander without realizing. After a few minutes of fantasizing about Alexander he started snapping his fingers in my face. I jumped a bit and blinked a few times. I blushed and looked at the ground. He put his hand on my chin and lifted my face to face him "I'm up here" he chuckled. I pulled away from his hand quickly and fell off the side of my bean bag. Alexander started laughing at me and I buried my head in my knees. I started crying and as his laughter died down he looked at me sympathetically, "I'm sorry" he said putting a hand on my shoulder. I yelped and pulled back. He looked at me confused than sat next to me on the wood floor of the tree house. He slowly and carefully rolled my short sleeve up so he couch see part of my shoulder. I yelped again as he accidentally bumped into my shoulder. "Sorry sorry sorry!" He said. Alexander got and went to his backpack, when he came back and sat by me again he had a bandaid and something else I didn't recognize. He put something on my shoulder and put a bandaid on it.

"I keep bandaids in my backpack" he said putting the stuff back. I rubbed my shoulder and it felt a lot better. I was still intimidated by Alexander and it felt like he was intimidated by me too.

It started getting late and I looked out the window. Alexander grabbed his backpack and the project. I grabbed my backpack and we both went down the latter. We walked over the small hill and back to my house, Alexander said he lived close by and would walk home but since it was getting dark my mom made me walk him home. I walked quietly by his side we got to his house- wait what? This is a one person apartment. I looked at it questioningly and Alexander just explained that he didn't have parents so he had to live on his own. I was shocked. He was clearly upset to live here. I tugged on his arm and gestured back at my house. Alex looked confused but I knew he understood, he was only trying to get me to actually talk.

I tugged on his arm and pointed back at my house down the road. He still looked confused "I don't understand" he claimed.

"Y-you can stay with me" I stuttered quietly. His face lit up "Really?!"
I nodded.

Alexander hugged me, I only flinched as he pulled away. "Sorry" he chuckled putting his hand on the back of his neck. I shrugged. "I'll say I'm going on vacation" he said.
"We can come back and get your stuff tomorrow" I offered in such a quiet voice it as almost a whisper.

Alexander chuckled "You're so quiet"
I started to blush
"Aw how cute" he teased chuckling

Thanks for reading! I plan on making this very emotional hehe. If you cry easily you might cry throughout this. Lemme know if you do!))

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