Chapter 3: Smile

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John POV

Alex wouldn't get off his computer and talk to me for almost a week. I don't know why I was so bothered by it when I never talk to Alex, but it was comforting to have someone to talk to- er it was comforting to have someone talk to me.
I walked in the room and he shut his computer looking up at me, smiling awkwardly. I looked at him confused. All of a sudden the door bell rang.

"SHE'S HERE!!" Alexander yelled and ran to the door, as he ran pasted me he grabbed my arm pulling me along with him. He sat by the door laughing and urging me to answer the door. I answered the door and was tackled. All I could see for a second was yellow cloth as Peggy tackled me. I didn't realize what was happening for a second, until I heard a familiar laugh. I looked up and saw Peggy. Tears started rolling down my face as I got up and hugged Peggy. I didn't realize at first but Peggy was crying to.

Alexander was smiling at me, "You're welcome!" He said chuckling

"You did this!?" I yelled as if I was always this outspoken. Alexander nodded, smirking. I ran over and hugged him. Peggy laughed, "is this who you were talking about?" She asked
"Shut up Peggy!" I said turning around. Alexander chuckled. I started to blush. I smiled

I, John Laurens, for the first time in 2 years, smiled. I, smiled.

Alexander gasped, "I knew I could make you smile!" He laughed. I laughed. Alexander looked very proud of himself.

Later that night me, Alexander, and Peggy were all laying on the floor in my tree house. Peggy had to go after awhile. "Bye Peggy" me and Alexander said.

I got up and went to look at the stars, my tree house had a small balcony to stargaze. I stood on the balcony looking up at the stars. Alexander got up and came over, standing next to me. I blushed a bit as Alex smiled. I smiled a bit trying to be nice. It was awkward for a bit as we looked at each other trying to smile. Me and Alex looked up a second and saw a shooting star. I made a wish.
"Did you wish for anything?" He asked as he looked back at me. I nodded.
"What did you wish for" I asked. Alexander blushed, "Nothing" He said.
"What exactly is "Nothing"" I asked.
He shrugged, "it's a dumb wish, it would never come true" he responded, looking back at the sky.
"What is it?" I asked again.
"Can I just tell you later?" He asked. I nodded.

He went to bed awhile later but I stayed on the balcony to stargaze.

When I went back to my room I found a note on my pillow. Alexander was asleep so I couldn't ask if he knew who it was from. I looked at the note awhile. The note was form Alex, he wanted to be his.....boyfriend?! This was amazing! Alexander is the best person in the universe!!!!!!!! 

The next day I let Peggy cut me in the lunch line so she would sit with me before Alexander could. We got our food and went to the courtyard, as we sat down I pulled out the note I had found on my pillow the previous night. As soon as Peggy saw it she squealed and everyone turned to stare at her. I put my hand over her mouth and blushed. I took my hand off her mouth as Alexander walked over.
"Alex!" Peggy said waving. I pushed her arm down, "Peggy! Stop it!" I mumbled to her under my breath. Alexander chuckled and sat by Peggy on the other side of the bench. Unfortunately, Alexander saw the note in my hand. He blushed and turned the other way.

"Yes" I said looking down at the paper, Alexander looked up and smiled. Peggy being Peggy squealed and wrapped her arm around me and Alexander pulling both of us into a huge hug. She was very strong. Alexander and I both laughed. I heard Lafayette, Alexander's best friend, whisper to Hercules, Alexander's other best friend and Lafayette's boyfriend, whispering to each other and pointing to us.

Peggy shoved Alexander aside and pushed me into him.
"Peggy!" I said angrily. Alexander laughed and put his arm around me, making me blush more.

The worst possible thing happened next. The fire alarm went off. Alexander and Peggy looked up startled as people started running, I even heard a few screaming.

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