Chapter 10: Fight

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John POV

I started talking to Peggy again, it was nice, Peggy really was a great friend she just had very little patience. I hadn't talked to Alex since Sunday before I saw him at the cafe with Eliza, I had talked to Lafayette though. Lafayette still sat with Alex at lunch. I saw Eliza and Alex exchange notes during class. I couldn't see what they said because Alex's arm blocked my view but I saw one word, I saw the word 'painted'. I was very confused.

Class ended and I went to my locker. Lafayette was waiting for me.

"Did you see them passing notes too?" Lafayette asked. I nodded. Lafayette handed me a note.
"I managed to get one from Eliza's pocket since I sit next to her" Lafayette said. I read the note: 'I'll tell John today'.
"Tell me what?" I asked confused, Lafayette shrugged.
"What if he breaks up with me!" I said worried. That made Lafayette start to worry.
"I can always punch him in the face if he does" Lafayette said trying to make me feel better. I shrugged and grabbed my books, shoving the note in my pocket. Walking to class I passed Alex's locker, he waved at me and smiled. I rolled my eyes, I was fed up with him.

Alex sat next to me in history so I only had 5 minutes until I had to deal with him. I spent those amazing 5 minutes drawing a turtle. Smart, I know. Alex sat next to me but didn't say anything. He usually complained about Jefferson for about 10 minutes. I glanced over at him and saw him writing another note to Eliza, I rolled my eyes and looked back at my book.

Alex POV

John was really mad and I didn't know why. Lafayette was really mad at me too, which was pretty random. Wait- I did see Lafayette at the cafe when I went- and then he went to Johns with ice cream, which something he does when people are sad- they must know about me meeting up with Eliza. Shit. Now I really have to tell him.

I walked to Johns house holding a box. I heard something and when I looked through the window I saw him with Lafayette, they looked like they were having a great time, they were both smiling and laughing. I knocked on the door.
John answered the door, I smiled.
"Hey!" I said happily- or at least trying to sound happy. He didn't say anything.
"My friend Eliza helped me get this for you" I said handing him the box. He seemed surprised, did he really think I cheated on him?
John opened the box and almost screamed. He set the box down and hugged me. Inside the box was a painted turtle, also the turtle John kept showing him and saying he wanted. I laughed a bit and hugged him back. He looked so excited and happy, he took his turtle upstairs and put it in the tank with his other turtle.

Lafayette went home and me and John watched movies. John kept thanking me for the turtle and apologizing for thinking I was cheating on him or something. I forgave him of course.

John fell asleep on me, he was laying on my chest. I stroked Johns curly hair and muttered comforting words into his ear until he fell asleep, soon after I fell asleep as well.

I woke up from something moving on my chest, I opened my eyes to see John sitting up and rubbing his eyes. I sat up and laughed as John fell off the couch. He crossed his arms and pretended to be mad, I helped him up as we both stared laughing.
John got up and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I waited on the couch until breakfast was ready.

"Breakfast!" John shouted from the other room. I came into the kitchen and sat next to him, I held his hand and he smiled. I ate my food and got dressed. We walked hand in hand to the bus stop, as always we sat beside each other on the bus. John and I tried to ignore it but people were clearly listening to us talking, some people were listening mainly because they were shocked by how outspoken John was.

"Thank you, again" John said again. I laughed a bit and held his hand. Mulligan took a picture from his seat behind me and John.
"I'll send it to you" he said smiling. I rolled my eyes, "can you stop taking pictures of me and John for five minutes?" I asked. He shook his head and took another picture. John laughed and leaned his head on my shoulder, of course Mulligan took a picture and sent it to me.
"Herc, I will block you" I threatened.
"No you won't, admit it Alex, You think Johns adorable!" He teases. John blushes and hides his face in my shoulder. I glared at Herc.

We got to school and went to class. I had science first. I was so relieved when class ended.

At lunch I went over to sit by John and was shocked to see a lot of people gathered around. I figured out what was happening and dropped my food and pushed through the crowd. I found John with his hand covering his face and Aaron standing over him. I punched Aaron in the face and pushed him to the ground. I kicked him and he got up and ran off. I knelt down beside John, tears rolling down my face.

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