Chapter 18: Funeral

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John POV

I turned around and saw Aaron Burr, luckily he wasn't drunk. Alex moved so he was in front of me.

"Awww" Aaron teased. Alex rolled his eyes and I just held onto his arm. Herc came over and pushed Aaron, Herc was clearly drunk.

"Leave em alone" Herc slurred "maaaan I will fight you" Aaron laughed at this, which only caused him to get punched in the face. I buried my face in Alex's shoulder, as you may know, I hate seeing people get hurt.

"Let's go home" Alex said,  hugging me protectively. I nodded.


"I'm sorry, we shouldn't have gone to the party" I said.
"Don't feel bad, you didn't know what would happen" he replied, kissing my forehead. I sighed and hugged him.

"Let's watch a movie" Alex suggested.
"What movie?"
"Finding Nemo"
"You love little kid movies, don't you?"
"Shut up."

I laughed. "Shut up" he laughed punching my arm gently.
"Oh the pain" I said dramatically, I was still laughing. We sat there and laughed awhile before playing the movie.

I fell asleep halfway through the movie, as always. Alex kissed my head and fell asleep too.


"Baby, it's time to wake up" Alex said shaking my arm. I blinked away sleep as I sat up yawning. Since I was laying on Alex's lap I fell on the floor when I sat up. Alex and I both laughed.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't laugh. Do you need help up?" He asked still laughing despite his apology.
"It's ok," I say laughing as well. I got up and sat on the end of the couch.

"Can you teach me how to cook?" Alex asked
"Ummmm....sure?" I said a little unsure about his request
"Ok ok" I laughed

I went to the kitchen and tried to teach him to cook. It was easy.

"Do you know how to crack an egg?"
"No." He responded.

I cracked an egg into a bowl.
"Now you try" I said handing him a bowl. He cracked the egg almost perfectly.
"Are you sure you haven't cooked before?"
"I'm sure."

I got out a pan and turned on the stove.
"Be careful." I said. He nodded. I put the egg in the pan and stuff. (I don't know how to cook lol)

"I think I got it" Alex assured me.
"Please don't burn my house down"
"I won't" he laughed.

He copied me and did the same with his egg.

"Do you really need my help?" I laughed as he did everything perfectly. He shrugged.

We finished cooking and ate our breakfast on the couch as we watched Glee because that show is just fabulous. Kurt is my favorite.

Alex finished eating and did dishes and even though I told him that was my job.

"You have every job, I just want to help" he argued
"Fine. You can do my chores"
"Thank you." He said.

It takes to much energy to argue with him and plus, now I don't have to do the dishes.

He sat beside me and hugged me.

"Can we go out sometimes this week?" He asked, smiling.
"Are you asking me out on a date?"!i teased.
"Yeah" he said "will you come?"
"Of course I am!" I said and kissed him.

"Eh hem" my mom said from the doorway. My face turned bright red.
"Oh hey mom" I mumbled awkwardly
"I just wanted to thank Alex for doing the dishes, or are you busy~?"
"Mom!" I yelled as my face turned even more red.
"Ok ok" she said turning around and leaving.

Alex laughed "your face is bright red"
"Shut up!" I yelped burying my face in his chest.
"You're adorable" he said hugging me and making me blush EVEN MORE.
"I didn't know someone could blush that much" he laughed
"Shut up!" I yelped again.

"I love you~" He said. I smiled at him.

"You got something in the mail" my mom said as she came in the room. I looked at the envelope in her hands.
"Who's it from?" I asked
"Read it" She said handing it to me. Alex looked at me confused. I opened the envelope and read it.

"I was accepted to that art school(lol idk what to call it)" I said in surprise. Alex looked at the letter.
"I'm going to the same school for law" he said. I smiled and hugged him.

"I already applied you two to have a dorm together" my mom said. I hugged her thankfully.

"Get dressed, I wanted to check out the school today" my mom said. Alex and I both went to our rooms and changed.


We were checking out the dorms and everything when my moms phone started to ring. The caller name thingy said Peggy, but Peggy couldn't use her cellphone since she was in the hospital.

"Ok, I'll tell them" my mom said with tears in her eyes.

"We'll come back another time" she told the tour person.

Once we were in the car she told us what happened.

"Peggy passed away last night" my mom said. I hugged Alex and started sobbing.

"It's ok" Alex mumbled as he hugged me.
"Would you like me to drive?" Alex asked my mother who said yes. I sat in the back and my mom and Alex sat in the front, we went home.

"She has cancer" my mom mumbled. I glanced at Alex and saw a few tears roll down his face.


At the funeral I was sobbing. Alex hugged me and tried to comfort me but it didn't work, I just wanted to see Peggy, alive and breathing. I couldn't walk up to her casket, I just cried every time I got close.

I buried my face in Alex's chest and cried. He hugged me and continued to try and comfort me.


That night I slept in my tree house with Alex. He kept trying to comfort me.

"I'll be fine" I tried to assure Alex, he wouldn't listen, he was pretty worried.

"I love you" Alex said
"I love you too" I mumbled as I stared up at the stars.

*when you know you didn't proof read any of it and people are gonna be like 'what do you mean he slept on his tree house' when you meant to say in*

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