Chapter 17: Party

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Alex POV

"What is it Peg Leg? Don't tell John I took his nickname for you!" I laughed.

Peggy laughed, "don't tell John, but uh, I might not make it" she said tearing up yet still smiling.
"Peggy! Don't talk like that!" I said "of course you'll make it, you're Peggy!"
She smiled "Alex in serious" she said kindly. "Peggy." I said. "Alex." She said back. I kissed her head and left the room.

"What'd she say?" John asked.
"She's just scared" I explained.
"You act like her big brother!" John teased me. I laughed.

"Baby, can you make me some tea?" John asked. He always calls me baby when he wants something, it's adorable.
"Sure" I say kissing his head. I get up and make him his favorite kind of tea. John's the best, but he's still quiet. I'm glad he said yes when I asked him out. It would be really awkward to live with someone that rejected you.

I sit beside him and hand him the tea I made him. He kissed my cheek and drank his tea.


"John!" I shouted. He came in my room "What?"
"Why is your turtle in my room?" I asked laughing. He chuckled "sorry!" He said putting his turtle back in his cage. I laughed.

"Why was your turtle in my room?" I asked.
"Because I was in your room" he responded
"And why were you in my room?" I continued to question him
"Because" he says smiling
"Because Why?"
"I can't tell you, it'll ruin the surprise"
"What surprise"
"I can't say"
"Ok, princess" I say. He rolls his eyes. He hates it when I call him princess.

I sit on my bed and grab my laptop. As soon as I open it I see my background has been changed to a picture of me and John. I look over at the doorway and see John standing there. I smile.

"Surprise!" He says. I laugh and get up and walk over to him. I hug him and he kisses my cheek.

"Lafayette invites us to a party" John said. If Lafayette ever invites anyone to a party there is bound to be alcohol, and I did not need to deal with John getting drunk, not that he would do that.

"No" I said immediately.
"Why?" John asked.
"Knowing Lafayette, there will be alcohol" I said.
"Oh" he mumbled.
"We can go if you want, but no alcohol" I said sternly. He shrugged.
"I don't want to go" he said turning around to leave.
"You want to go." I said knowing he hated missing out on things. He shrugged and went upstairs to his room.

I got up and went to his room, I picked him up and went downstairs. He yelped in surprise when I picked him up.

"You're going to this party" I said playfully. He laughed and kissed my cheek.

I drove us to the party, even though I didn't even want to go. John seemed excited, I was a bit nervous though. We arrived and I got out of the car first. I went around to the other side and opened Johns door for him because I felt like showing off, there wasn't many people to show off to though, just a few cheerleaders and drunk dudes puking in the bushes.

He stepped out of he car and laughed a bit, "I can open a door" he said.
"You can walk too but that doesn't mean I can't do this" I say picking him up. He laughed again and kissed my cheek. I carried him up to the porch, setting him down as we approached the door.

I knocked and Herc answered the door.
"Alex!" He said in his usual deep voice, this time he sounded a bit drunk though.

"Herc!" I replied giving him and awkward hug. He looked over at John, "I didn't see you there, shorty" he said ruffling Johns hair. John scoffed and moved away from Herc. I laughed, "dude, please don't scare away my boyfriend" I asked making John blush.

Herc turned around and faced the crowd of people in the living room, most drunk and making out and the others sitting or standing talking to there friends, annoyed.

"Miranda Highs cutest couple has arrived!" Herc yelled cupping his hands over his mouth to make it louder. John and I both started to blush. Most people clapped but other like, Aaron Burr and Thomas Jefferson just stared.

I felt John grab my hand. "Everything ok?" I asked. He shrugged, I could tell he definitely didn't expect this. Poor John was probably so overwhelmed. His only response was a small shrug.

"Come in!" Herc said moving aside a bit, me and John stepped inside and were immediately crowded by the Schuyler sisters. Angelica was the only one sober.

"Hows Peg" Eliza slurred. "Good" I responded stepping away from her a bit.
"Sorry about Liz, I told her not to get drunk but you know her" Angelica shrugged. I nodded.
"Hey!" Eliza said, she started to laugh. John clung to my arm.

"Hey Jacky, you alright? I would never have expected to see you at a party like this" Angelica said looking at John. John shrugged and looked down still holding onto my arm.

"Everything been ok between you two?" She asked. I smiled, "Yeah, we went to see a musical the other week, it was fun" I said casually. Angelica nodded.

"Hey turtle boy" I heard a bitter voice say from behind me and John.

Since there are only a few chapters left I'm going to make them a little longer! I hope you've enjoyed reading this))

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