Chapter 4: Alarm

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John POV

Alexander stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me away from the building. Peggy was running by Alexander's side as I was dragged along. When we got a safe distance away from the school we looked back at it, hoping it was a drill and that there would be no flames engulfing the school. I hugged Alexander and started crying. All of a sudden Peggy screamed and started running towards the school again. Multiple people including me, Alexander, and Lafayette held her back. She fell to her knees sobbing and trying to run back to the school. Alexander hugged me and kissed my head, but it didn't make me feel any better.

Parents came and picked up there kids and stuff. The whole car ride I leaned on Alexander's shoulder, he ran his fingers through my hair and tried to calm me down but nothing worked.

When I got back to my house I got out of the car and ran to my tree house, Alexander chased after me. I sat on a bean bag crying. Alexander sat next to me and hugged me, and I hugged him back. We ended up falling asleep and waking up in the tree house in each other's arms. We went inside and found my mom making French toast. I sat down at the table and as you might have guessed, Alexander sat next to me. He held my hand from under the table and I smiled softly at him, I appreciated how hard he tried to make me happy. He got my best friend who moved away 3 years ago to move back just so he could see me smile. Alexander Hamilton was an amazing person. I couldn't say that enough.

After breakfast we went to the park and fed the ducks and got coffee. I sat at a table drinking my coffee, Alexander sat across from me.
"I like Peggy, she's nice" Alexander chuckled, trying to talk to me.
"Yeah" I laughed. Alex looked at me and I could tell what he wanted to say before he could say it.
"I love you too" I mumbled quietly. Peggy all of a sudden burst through the door as if she was Hercules Mulligan.
"JOHNNN, MY MAN!!!" She yelled as she put an arm around my shoulder.
"Peggy, its like 12:30, how are you possibly drunk already" I questioned as Alexander laughed. I texted Angelica to come get her. As we walked out I grabbed Alexanders hand. He smiled at me and I smiled back. I kissed his cheek and continued to walk. I saw a lot of people starring, which kinda hurt my feelings, I felt like they were judging me. Alexander noticed this too and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry about them, if I need to I will punch them". The thought of anyone getting hurt made me wince. " I'm sorry" he said hearing me wince.

"You OK?" My mother ask me as I came through the door. I nodded and hung my coat up.  Alexander went upstairs. I went outside and went to my tree house. Sitting down on a bean bag, I grabbed my sketch book and started drawing Alexander. It was a bit hard but I managed to finish the sketch.

I quickly closed my sketch book as Alexander came up and sat in a bean bag beside mine.
"Whatcha drawing" he teased.
"Oh shut up, you saw it" I laughed. I went over and sat beside Alexander, he put his arm around me. I looked up at him and he looked back at me. He kissed my nose. My sister came in the tree house.
"Ew! Get a room!" She said laughing.
"We had one until you showed up" I joked. Alexander just laughed. Martha rolled her eyes still laughing a bit.
"I'm telling mom!" She threatened jokingly. I stood up and walked over to her, picking her up and holding her upsidedown.
"Who are you telling?" I asked as Alexander continued to laugh. Martha was laughing too.
"No one! I'm telling no one! Now let me down!" she laughed. I put her down and she quickly went down the latter.

"IM TELLING MOM" she teased again. I went down the latter and chased after her. We ended up getting in trouble by there father, so I went back in his tree house. I found Alexander looking out a small window when I heard a noise. I chose to ignore it, but Alexander looked around a bit startled. I heard the same noise again, but louder. After hearing it again I quickly realized what was happing, then all of a sudden...


I added some fluff and another cliff hanger, hehe. I'll work on the next chapter as soon as possible. I woke up in the middle of the night and decided  finish this so you'll get 2 chapters published today))

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