Chapter 6: Lin Manuel Miranda

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John POV

Aaron Burr walked over to me and lifted me up by my shirt.
"Where's your boyfriend when you need him?" Aaron chuckled. I tried to hide the fact that I was shaking but it was really hard.
"Oh I'm right here" I heard Alexander say. I smirked but fell backwards on the bench as he let go of my shirt. Aaron rolled his eyes and walked away. Alexander started walking back to the table with Lafayette and Hercules.

This happened for the next few days. Alexander wouldn't sit with me. Aaron tried to harass me. Alexander threatened Aaron. However, Peggy did sit with me, and so did Peggy's girlfriend Maria.
"Peggy I'm telling you, Alexander hates me" I retorted. She crossed her arms and looked at me with a sigh.
"Just at least try. All you have to do tomorrow is sit at his table. How hard is that?" Peggy pointed out. Maria nodded in agreement.
"But his friends hate me if I go sit there I might as well be asking to get my ass kicked" I added now crossing my arms too.
"Do it or I won't sit with you anymore!" Peggy said. I know she didn't mean this, Peggy was always there for me, but she knew my weaknesses.
"Fine." I grunted.

The next day at lunch I got my food and started walking towards Alexander's table. They didn't even notice me going over to the table, that is until I sat down. For a moment they all (including Alexander) turned and stared at me.

"So this is him" Lafayette teased, which made me blush a bit. Alexander rolled his eyes at Lafayette who only laughed at his own joke.
"Am I aloud to sit here" I whispered to Alexander. He nodded in response. I realized Hercules had been starring at me., which freaked me out. Alexander's friends were tough and intimidating.
"Would you stop fucking starring at him you're gonna creep him out" Alexander said defensively.
"Aw is someone over protective" Lafayette taunted. Alexander got up and went to the bench where we usually sit, I followed behind him. I sat next to him on the bench. I motioned for Peggy to go away and thankfully she was tired today and went to a table with her sisters.

"I'm sorry about them" Alexander said annoyed. I leaned my head on his shoulder without responding to his apology. He smiled and held my hand.

Alexander went home with me that night. We sat in my bed and did homework.
"Since when do letters go in number problems" I said frustrated. Alexander laughed, "if you weren't day dreaming in class you would know how to do the problem". I rolled my eyes.
"Don't be mad at me!" Alexander said hugging me. I laughed pulling away from Alexander.

"Hey, Alex" I said sweetly.
"Yes?" He answered.
"What's the answer to problem 6?" I asked.
"Nice try" he laughed kissing my nose. I sighed and looked back at my paper. "It's 1 and a half" he whispered. I chuckled and wrote it down.

I fell asleep in the middle of watching the little mermaid with Alexander. He didn't like the movie but I did so he let me watch it.

I woke up at the sound of my alarm going off. Alexander woke up too. We got ready for school and waited on the bus. We sat beside each other on the bus and walked in the building holding hands. Lafayette went up to Alexander, most likely to tease him.
"The Schuyler sisters are having a party tonight, are you coming?" Lafayette asked Alexander.
"You can even bring this little kid" Lafayette teased, putting a hand on my chin. Alexander shoved Lafayette "Leave him the hell alone" he snapped at Lafayette. I moved over a bit so I was behind Alexander.

Lafayette glared at him "Don't think I won't hit you" he threatened.
Alexander rolled his eyes "I'm not afraid of someone who's favorite show is my little pony". That made me laugh. In fact a lot of people were laughing. Lafayette has stormed off. I hugged Alexander and people kept going 'aw' and saying it was cute. That made me blush and hide my face in Alexander's jacket but that only made the muttering grow louder. He kissed my head and started walking to class. I could hear people following to see what would happen. That's all high school students were interested in. Drama.

During lunch Peggy interrogated Alexander and me and Maria tried to get her to leave Alexander alone. Eventually Peggy left to sit with her sister, and Maria followed. Alexander and I were both relieved but by the time Peggy was gone lunch was over. The bell rang and we rushed to get to our classrooms where we were suppose to be. Me and Alexander both had history after lunch so we walked to class together. We were late but Alexander and I were both really close with the teacher so we didn't get detention. We sat down and started working on our history project. We had to write about someone alive during the revolutionary war. Great. I'm awful at history.

"Alex, can you help me?" I whispered.
"Sure. Who did you get for your project?" Alexander whispered back, looking at the teacher to make sure he wouldn't hear him.
"Anthony Ramos" I responded.
"Lucky! I have Lin Manuel Miranda" he chuckled.
"Shh!" I mumbled as the teacher looked up a second.
He laughed a bit and found me a link to a reliable website I could use to research Anthony. I finished a small part of my report when class ended. When we got out of the classroom I thanked Alexander for finding a website for me.

At my house me and Alexander did homework. My mom yelled for me so I went into to the kitchen where she was.
"Yeah?" I said as I walked in the kitchen.
"Look!" She said waving her hand in a gesture for me to go over to her. I looked at the screen and looked at her confused
"there selling tickets to Alexander's favorite musical" she said. I looked back at the screen excited. Me and Alexander loved this musical about the founding father, Lin Manuel Miranda and right on the screen I saw my mom had gotten us tickets to it.

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