Jimin - Slip Away

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Yeah I was going to make a Yoongi chapter but then I realized I left the last chapter on a damn cliff hanger so I'll finish it.

BUT DAYUUMM THIS PICTURE GIVES ME CHILLS!! I don't have a bias for BTS because they all are amazing so I can't just pick one, so their all my biases and then they all are my bias wreckers, but this week's #1 bias wrecker is Jimin!!!

I wake up from the car stopping and parking and the try to analyze my surroundings but the windows are tinted very dark so I can't see much.

He opens the door of the car and stares at my helplessness. He then smirks and climbs into the car and locks the doors.

"It's always a treat to see you like this, you know that baby?" he whispers in my ear which sends chills down my spine but I bite my lip close to not make a sound.

"Say something, my love. You wouldn't want to get punished, would you?

"N-no, I don't want to be punished... M-master" I shamefully mutter.

"There we go, much better. We wouldn't want you to get hurt now would we?" he says as he leans in and adds another bite mark to the many others.

I stiffen in pleasurable pain as he grinds his hips into mine but won't let him hear my moans as I bite my lip so hard until a drop of blood trails down my chin.

He then sees it and lean down and slowly licks it off my chin.

"Hmm.. so good" He then smashes our lips together and I already know I can't escape from this anymore, so my only choice is to kiss back and act my part.

He groans in pleasure from my actions and trails his hands down my sides and reach in my pants to touch my erection that's hurting me painfully and slowly.

No, I can't enjoy this... I refuse!!

I then start struggling with him to get free and he stops his assault on me immediately. He then gets mad and backhands me hard.

If I wasn't strapped up like this, I would have a fell out the seat.

I yelp and wince due to the pain as he leans next to my ear and whispers,

"It's gonna be so much fun punishing you" which makes my breath hitch in my throat.

"No please I'm sorry just don't hurt me" I beg underneath him.

"Sorry, no can do my baby boy. You'll have to learn your lesson" he says as he unstraps me and of course I struggle against him but to no avail.

He drags me into the house and through the hallways as I scream and holler till we get to the place I hate the most.

I stop immediately and widen my eyes in horror as I am dragged back to hell. (a/n when I have to go to school)

I then fight in his grasp as hard as I can and scream bloody murder at the top of my lungs.

"Please!! You might as well just kill me! Just do it already! I can't take this anymo-"

He cuts me off with his lips and pins me on the bed without even disconnecting from me. I try to desperately push him off but as soon as I slow down my speed of attack, he grabs my wrists and straps them to the bed with the straps he had attached to the bed.

He then walks behind him and goes into that dreaded closet.

"Gyeong please.... don't do this" I sob helplessly (a/n I literally looked a random Korean boy name so yeah)

What's the use? I'm not going anywhere.

He comes out the closet (a/n sorry but this was funny to me) with all the horrible things he is gonna use on me.

"You don't have to do this. I'll stay put I promise but please don't do this to me"

"Nope, I'm gonna enjoy this and at some point, so will you. But listen here Jiminie. If you try to leave again, I will hurt you."

He then sits on top of me and starts stripping me down slowly due to my struggles.

"Why do you still struggle when you know you can't escape? Just give in to me and this won't hurt one bit."

"Because this isn't what I want, Gyeong. I want to be free, free from this state of capture. Can't you just for once think about what's good for me? Set me free and I won't say a word to anyone about all this. Please" I say with a smile, which for some reason wasn't forced.

He then sits up and stares at me with a very unreadable blank expression.

Then out the blue starts putting my clothes back on.

Did... did it work?

"Ok Jimin. I'll give you what you want, here is your freedom"


A word that I've been wishing for two years


"You're seriously going to let me go?"

"Yes, I am, but if I hear you told anyone about me, I will hunt you down and find you myself. Now go" he says as he unbuckles me off the bed.

I get up and off the bed as fast as I can and walk/run to the door and leave, but before I left the house, something was eating away at me like acid.

I can't just leave him like this without being nice. Kill him with kindness, they always say.

I run back inside and find him in the same spot as before I left and hug him from behind.

"Thank you Gyeong. Thank you so much."

He stiffens on my words and slowly looks back at me,

"Go now or I might change my mind" he flatly says with a smug yet sad smirk.

"Goodbye. Be happy Gyeong. Be good again" was the last thing I said to him as I ran out the house.


Oh shit, no...

I then run as fast as I can to his car and get it. He left the keys in the car which was very fortunate for me as I hopped in and turned it on and drove off as quick as lightning.

Why would he kill himself, when he has some much to live for?

I keep wondering why he would do that to himself but that didn't stop me from driving to the other side of town to my place and start packing immediately.

As soon as freedom was in my grasps, I was not letting it slip away

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