Hoseok - Just Peachy

73 2 6

Fuck you Jhoe

We've been talking about just some random topics as I drive but now it's time for my mission.

Get my info.

"Hey Jimin. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure, shoot away"

I think before I ask it to go my plan one more time in my head.

"Can you tell me more about... Gyeong and what was really happened? I kinda have been wondering this for the longest time now an-" I'm cut off because he puts his finger to my lips.

"I know what you are gonna say, and actually, yes I will tell you because I think you must know. Just keep driving and looking at the road ok?"

Yes, it worked haha.

"Yeah of course."

Then a long pause, which then made me feel awkward.

"You already know that he hurt me right?", He says as he glances through the passenger seat's window.

"Yes, but my real question is how you got away from that. If he was crazy, then how did you leave?" I say as make some small side glances at him as I keep on driving.

"He let me go"

"Seriously? Just like that? You didn't have to hurt him or anything?"

"I guess I convinced him to let me go, but this morning....."

My eyes widen in shock and my expression changes to a worried look.

"Did he come back?! Where is he now? Are you gonna be ok?! Do you need to live with-"

"No no no Hobi he didn't come find me, he can't ever find me. Plus it was just a random text message from an unknown number. It might be just a prank. "

"Of course he can find you, if he is crazy then he might be looking for you as we speak. How can you say he isn't looking for you? And even if it's just a prank, you have to be careful."

I try to make him change my mind but the next piece of info shook me.

"He can't find me because he is dead."

"D-...did you kill him?!" I asked in a panic.

"No, I swear!! As I was leaving his house after he left me go, I went back inside and said thank you, then he told me to leave or he would change his mind, so I did and as I was driving away, I heard a gunshot. He killed himself." He says to reassure me.

"Thank god, but if he is dead, then who is this random number texting you?"


"Jimin, are you not telling me something that I need to know?"


He looks away with the most paranoid and scared face I have ever seen.

"Please, Jimin you hav-"


I rear my head back to the road to see a guy in a black hoodie standing right in front of my car.

I quickly turn the wheel sharply to avoid hitting him and we go skidding across the street.

We do a 720 and crash into a tree which crushes into my door. We exchange very scared and panicked looks but then I feel pain in my wrist and as I look down I see something terrifying.

My wrist is in the most unnatural position that a wrist can be in as it's stuck in between the steering wheel and the now crushed door.

I wail in pain as I try to move it to get it free but that action makes it hurt even worse and I yell even louder as tears form in the corner of my eyes.

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