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here bby peribloke
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"a-are you sure ab-about this, antho-ny?"

nervousness struck the boy in his heart as he imagined them to crash; it was evident in his eyes and worried gaze at the vehicle. he was already emitting all his preparing-to-hit-panic-mode habits he'd do, from what his boyfriend knew from their relationship.
a tentative gulp audibly sounded out as his lover's careless eyes peered at his now lightly quivering frame, placing a reassuring arm around him.
his boyfriend was nice and he loved that.

   "awh, don't worry baby,, we won't die."

he just had to say the d- word. although his fears weren't exactly calm, darcy still displayed and plastered his brave face on just for anthony.
he didn't want to ruin the mood, after all.

   "alright;; i trust you, anthony."

the shapeshifter inhaled slowly, trying to banish his nerves,, and exhaled. grinning from his pointed ear to his other, the green-haired one swiftly hopped onto his motorcycle, eyes then glancing back at his loved one, holding out his black-clad helmet for him to wear as his safety was his utmost priority.
taking the helmet and slipping it on, noticing it was ever so slightly big for him, the soft-spoken one then got on as well, tightly wrapping his small arms around anthony's waist.
his grip was hermetic- fastened tensely unto his boyfriend, head turned to the side as his wide eyes were peeking out. along with sweat beads forming on his forehead, his heart rate exponentially increased.

to this, anthony smirked, heart secretly leaping at how adorable darcy was.
then, his gaze looked back to the roads ahead, half occupied with cars.
at a low speed- deciding to just gradually speed up just for his little one- he drove off, this being much slower for him.
the place around him was moving quickly before his eyes; the boy in the back even felt the movement somehow, head daring to rise up away from anthony's back to look more at the buildings around him, wind whirling gently in his ears.
feeling his boyfriend was now more comfortable, anthony let a lopsided, small grin to settle on his features as he increased his speed more and more, letting the animal inside him unleash.

the world became a dizzying blur,,
but a good dizzying blur.

darcy allowed himself to smile, enjoying himself as they drove, snuggling into anthony's back.

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