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Pls I have a thing for big, clueless but kind giant with Mean man
Tw// heavy themes
After discussing his attitude towards the detective with Dominic, Archie decided to tone down his fanboy perspective of Sherlock. Which was relieving especially for the latter.
Again, the unlikely pair found themselves alone at the dinner table as everyone else went off with their chosen pairs for the night somewhere else in Anthony's large house. Sherlock, of course, was sat at the head of the table, with Archie sat on his right. The light overhead illuminated mainly the table's surface, dimming the surrounding kitchen, isolating the two from the rest of the world to create their own for the time being.
Given the derelict mood, Sherlock took the time to once again examine the vastly built demon across him.
Archie, unlike the others, didn't focus primarily on sex- sure if it was an option on the table, he'd take it, but it seemed he was more inclined to sit and have tea with someone rather dick them down in the bedroom.
Sherlock did want his fun like everyone else but, there was either a physical or hidden emotional pull about Archie.
One he couldn't exactly deduce.
Was it him pulling the strings with his powers trying to keep Sherlock attracted? Does this happen with everyone else? Or was there.. truly something?
Something Sherlock didn't know about.
Archie unintentionally frustrates, fascinates and frightens (once intentionally) him. He felt as if he was staring into the gaping maw of a great beast and he was about to take a grand step forward into the abyss of its gullet.
Well, it maybe a bad decision, but at least he could consider it his own bad choice.
He knew Archie immediately took an unusual liking to his 'bluntness' (Dominic called it his 'dickector nature' but gladly he's occupied with John, again, upstairs) to the point where he just wants to be scoffed at by the man.
Trauma confusing degradation for affection as in you're pointing out their flaws constantly, twisting it so that you're doing them a favour?
Or is it just Archie?
Technically, both.
Sherlock recalled to how Archie briefly mentioned his human mother, and how she treated him as practically sub human. She prayed to demons for him to be strong, meaning that she had an abundance of high expectations for him already at a young age. And if he dares not live up to them, daring to go against the sole reason for his birth? Well, only Archir knows the true extent of the consequences.
Perhaps that's why he's so attached to him when they barely met.
In some weirdly sickeningly sad, sad way, Sherlock's attitude reminds Archie of his mother, oddly giving him comfort as he saw the abuse his mother gave him as love.
He looked at Archie once more, scrutinizing everything. The other was hunched over his plate, seeming in thought over something. The big man always seemed to be in thought over something. Sherlock frowned, adding the context of Archie's past, he metaphorically saw him as a scared little boy. He was a gigantic, hulking man on the outside, but mentally he was a child that never managed to grow properly due to all the constant chaos around him.
This gave reason to why Archie is so confused all the time, acting curious and being blatant about his feelings- he's been taught in such a simple minded way he lost a part of himself somewhere along the way.
His poor posture made it seem like he was a boy being scolded.
Igniting a pang of pity, the lighting not helping the dampening mood, Sherlock finally spoke,
"Your mother wasn't nice, wasn't she."
It wasn't a question- he knew the answer, he just wanted Archie to let loose his secrets.
Archie nodded somewhat dejectedly,
"No. I wish she was. The maids were nice to me in her place, though. I have no good memories of her, but I try to ignore the bad ones. Which were all of them."
Using telekinesis, he made himself a cup of tea.
"Your mother abused you, rendering you emotionally like a brick, unable to read other people as the constant reminder of your mother's acts lingered in your mind. So you had to hide yourself away, losing the ability to connect deeper than a superficial projection onto a person for what you deep down wanted your mother be like."
Archie's eyes lit up, replying,
"Until Dominic."
Sherlock raised an eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, letting Archie take control of the conversation.
"Dominic and I, hapless, stumbled into each other's lives. We were both kn the ground, looked at each other and said "Hey, you're alright" metaphorically speaking. I.. am so grateful to him. He teaches me about the current world, at first he was opposed to my company but we both were equally lost- we both shared a common trait and we were all we had. Those nights in Dominic's old apartment were like a new chapter in a book you enjoy. You remember those parts the most.
We never had sex, Dominic and I. One time he did try, but backed out, and I'm glad for that. I wouldn't have it any other way."
Archie allowed himself to smile.
Sherlock continued,
"So Dominic was the catalyst for your change, hm? Can't even imagine how you were like before him."
Archie's smile grew a little bit more,
"I had as much emotion as a stone wall. But, Dominic paved the way to a warmer heart."
"And you could never have sex with him as you see him as something purer than that. Something devout of all that could be tainted as he was heaven to you."
The previous silence returned with a chill.
The other's voice was barely a whisper,
"He is heaven. He's a reminder that it exists. In half human, half demon form."
His voice faltered at the end.
"I couldn't.. see him in that way. Use him for .. that."
"You have sex with Darcy and Anthony. Hell, eventually with me I presume."
Archie's eyes assume their aforementioned wide and glossy stance from before,
"They're different. You're different, Sherlock. You're not him. You are all wonderful lakes and rivers to have fun swimming or fishing in. Dominic is an ocean, with a home in the deepest trench. A place no one else can ever reach."
This sudden admission momentarily stunned Sherlock, which was rare. Archie's hunch grew more severe as if he was caving in on himself, shadows casting themselves to the skin under his eyes, adding to his serious yet weary tone.
"Darcy is like a sponge cake- he brings sweet comfort in the highlights of your life. He comforts the main areas, but can never go into the cracks and crevices of your being. Anthony is like a flash fire, passionately burning a forest down and smiling as he does- he takes pride in it and he provides an euphoric feeling that gets you through the day. But his flames will never be able to touch the soil that the trees are deeply rooted into. Just the external trunk, branches and leaves.
I love them both dearly.
But Dominic.."
He trailed off, peering into the distance like he was reviewing a lovely memory,
"Dominic has the true essence that is me. And I have the true essence of him.
Before it was just us, you know. I'm not devaluing Darcy and Anthony but, Anthony did start a fire but who was the first to light a candle? Dominic.
He is a tether to my heart."
Again, Sherlock was left there to absorb the dump of information.
"So, Dominic was the first, so you connected with him more."
Archie turned suddenly and gazed into Sherlock's eyes, wanting him to take this as seriously as possible,
"Without Dominic, I wouldn't be here. I would be here physically, but not mentally nor emotionally. He has opened up a part of myself to me I thought I could never have or wasnt able to achieve.
I owe him the world, simply put."
"You love him." Was the direct response.
Archie grinned, it was a grin like Dominic's, "It's not just love."
Sherlock blinked, "What's more than love to you?"
Archie settled down to a smile,
"Oh, just.. more. There'll always be more."
He then drank his tea.
The detective sniffed, somewhat in disbelief, "Being around Dominic, it's hard to believe he could be described from your perspective. He's fun, but horribly vulgar and dim witted. He deliberately goes out of his way to be provocative and careless."
Archie kept on smiling,
"Your eyes aren't mine, Sherlock. And you haven't been here long."
He traced the rim of his cup with a finger,
"And that's his outgoing side, built to entertain people. I only met him in his early twenties, but he grew up in the typical northern town with a working family environment, if you know what I mean.
Vulgarity only breeds vulgarity and he saw it as a way to connect and engage. Now he does do it for fun, but some mindsets never change."
He peered up at Sherlock,
"Dominic is best in the quiet, private moments. See him when he smoked on his apartment balcony looking at the city, sat at the table drinking on a friday night on his off day, or have a plain one to one conversation. You'll see his true self in those moments.
People give him the opportunity to make himself exciting and thrilling and daring, but the brightest stars burn out the most."
Archie took another sip of his tea, unaffected by the atmosphere around him. It was like the air avoided him completely, as if he has the ability to repel it. He probably has.
Sherlock sighed gently,
"Well, I'll be sure to have breakfast alone with him tomorrow I suppose. Catch him unguarded in the morning and get his compliance there." A glimmer of determination shone in his eyes.
"There's your mistake, Sherlock. He's not a thing to 'get' or even have."
There was no hint of defiance in the other's tone, but it still felt like Sherlock was whacked against a brick wall just by how confident Archie said this.
"He somewhat sees the world like me, Dominic; either someone is one thing or they're completely something else. There's a little bit of a grey area, but that's reliant if he cares about you or not.
Right now, he sees you as an asshole. A fun asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. You'll need to dedicate a good part of your life if you want him to even consider letting you in past high octane antics and his unrelenting wildness.
Soft touches here and there will just get you a little dip on the surface."
Archie finished his tea and placed it in the sink (naturally, by using his mind).
Sherlock pursed his lips and grimaced, but he mentally readies himself for the obstacles ahead, "I'll try to have as much fun with him then while we can. I cannot be swathed from doing what I want- I'll find a way to get him on his back."
Archie lopsidedly smiled, "Can't wait to see it."
The other man perceived this as a sarcastic reply, raising his eyebrows,
"Your tone is ambiguous. I'm hazarding a guess you're just going to stay at the side as usual and spectate."
Now something unusual happened, the reason why it happened wasn't unusual, however.
Gradually over time, he takes in the energy the other person emits, and he can either choose to absorb it (unlike Dominic as he's only half.)
Just right now, he's decided to experiment with his demeanor, which undoubtedly gave Sherlock whiplash.
"This time, I might decide to participate. You never know."
Archie had his chin sat on the palm of hand as he rested his elbow on the table. The flash of red that crossed his eyes didn't go unnoticed by Sherlock's now narrowed eyes.
This put off the other man, internally as he wouldn't ever show hesitation; he didn't deduce this possibly happening.
Still, he kept a calm composure,
"I doubt it. You'll be too compliant and soft to do anything substantial."
He expected Archie to defy him or get mad, yet the other fired back with the same poise as well.
"Maybe. Maybe not. The decision to do so rests in my hands."
He smiled again, but his eyes were low and hooded.
For the first time in what seemed ages, Sherlock's heart for once started to feel just a sliver of apprehension. Keep calm, but be aware- this was unfamiliar territory now.
"Let me guess, Dominic advised you to act this way around me."
Archie grinned,
"No. It's all me. Feels quite nice actually."
Sherlock sniffed to try and disregard it all, "Well dont expect me to be fazed."
Archie kept that grin, "Of course. You are one of those humans who like to stay one track minded, focused on the task ahead and finishing business."
Sherlock venomously spat, "And you're the type to be annoying."
Archie now grinned from ear to ear,
He then giggled,
"Now I know why Dominic likes to be this way, it makes me giddy to see people's reactions."
Sherlock rolled his eyes, "You're not him; you both choose to be annoying but at least Dominic has some semblance of charm."
Archie relaxed into a soft smile,
"I'm aware of that. Leave the party up front to him; I'll keep watch and survey at the back. I'll be waiting for the opportunity."
Sherlock forced his face to stay stock still, "For what."
"For whatever I want."
With that, Archie got up and walked away, leaving Sherlock in the dim lighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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