a surprise interview with eva camiel

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  peribloke (-:

"how is your life with the boys, eva?"

"well, of course, at times it is complicated. a couple of weeks ago, i went downstairs at 3am and found darcy awake all by himself. i took it upon myself as a call to my job as a mother and catered to him, cooked him some food he likes and put on a movie and stayed with him. ever since then, i go to sleep early at 7am on the dot so i can wake up at 1am, just in case there's someone who doesn't want to be alone.

however, i don't care.
it all pays off in the end when you see them all happy.
you get this feeling of happiness yourself, knowing you've done your duty as a mother; for now, that is.
a mother's job to care never ends."

"how do you,, fit in with the rest?"

"hmm, i suppose you could say the boys revere me as being this ultimate caring mom,"

she chuckles a bit,

"especially darcy. ah, the small boy sometimes, tugs on my dress with that shy demeanour of his when he wants my attention like a toddler.
i find it endearing!
and there's anthony.
the sweetest moment we've ever had was when i told him he's like a son to me and he started crying, as no-one has ever, insinuated that onto him, no-one has ever displayed their care towards him. i also told him i'm honoured to be the first person! and then he started crying again and i gave him a tissue and a hug.
and archie.
now, he's truly a mountain of a man. he towers over everyone; ezra is only up to his chin and they joke about it. he's smart, charismatic, but the one flaw he has-
he's a workaholic.
normally, that isn't a flaw, but in his case, he prioritises work over his husband, anthony. and, in my opinion, that is one of the worst things you can do to a loved one. you are basically telling them that something is more important than devoting time to them and that can cause many repercussions.
i have to remind him to not prioritise work over anthony; he follows my advice, but i just wish i wouldn't have to tell him so often.
the final two.
my son, dominic.
my husband, ezra.
ah, where to begin?
my son is, without a doubt, one of the most generous people you will ever know. he shows how much he care and loves us without hesitation, and he will do anything for us and his husband. it is clear how much he loves darcy, very very clear.
whenever darcy's broken, dom is always there to fix him back to shape.


again, i don't know where to begin.
of course, it was difficult and strenuous when he left dom and i all those years ago on that night the angels from our town,,, /went/ to our house.
when he first returned, came here to this house, he said nothing, knowing nothing would stop my wrath,"

a sad, yet fond chuckle,

"i slapped him.
he said he thought it would protect us, if a demon left the heavenly realm and that he was sorry and it was alright if i didn't forgive him.
i called him a stupid foolish arse
and he agreed.
i even called him a bastard in belarusian.
i learned to stop dwelling on the past and to forgive and forget.
at least he's here now.
and he thought it was the best for us,
and we were young.
when you're young, you don't think as much.
you just wanted to have someone to have fun and live life with.
so i slapped him again for good measure and said that i forgave him but,
i told him that he needs to make things right with dominic.
because dom doesn't have a clue who his father is.
i never really bothered telling him much about ezra, only his name and that he was a demon, as i was mad and upset at him for leaving.

before he went, he said,

"you still look as beautiful as ever, eva."

i told him to shut up and go to his son.

in the end, he did make things right.
they talked, dom asked questions; ezra answered.
dom cried and ezra hugged him.
it was an awkward hug, we're still working on that, but we're getting progress!

so, all in all,
life's good at the zacarathios-sanaosi house."

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