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tw// portrayals of non-con on a minor, depressing thoughts


anthony hated it. the bright lights; the flash sound as another photo is taken; his father's ugly hacking that tried to simulate real laughter with a client as he merely watched.

"c'mon, peel back the robe a lil more for me, dear- show me those thighs."

but most of all, he hated that. the way it would make his insides churn with utter fear and disgust, yet he obeyed anyways.
this was his life.
a life he was forced living in. 
lifting the robe higher, he exposed more of his freckle-dotted skin; (those freckles were only meant for one person!) and the soft vulnerability of his now open leg.

"there we go, sweetheart, perfect. now, baby, stick your tongue out for me, c'mon."

lighter and lighter, he felt himself become almost dazed from the weightlessness. but, it wasn't from the fact he was in space amongst the stars, oh no, he felt like he was mentally dissociating from reality as to hide from the horror that was his own.

his dad was basically prostituting him.

he tried to stop it, giving out one final plea as his vision went blurry from unshed tears,

"da-da-dad, pl-pl-plea-please-"

he didn't even finish, his dad dismissing his cries instantaneously, not even looking at him,

"anthony, just do as he says, alright?"

with that, he shunned himself back into silence, returning to unwilling compliance as he poked his tongue from his pink lips, wincing as he did so.

"good boy, now just a little more, c'mon."

he complied.
he had to.
be a good little boy for all the men who watched.
mouth open wide, his tongue was fully showing, pink and salivating; teasing those who desperately wanted to sink their dicks in that wet heat of anthony haye's delightful mouth.

the man who was paying for this, coupled with an abundance of others, was practically counting the days until anth was 18- meaning he'd be legal in a few weeks and they won't get arrested by engaging intercourse with a minor.

his lingering glances, the fucking way his eyes stole along the tantalisingly close skin that was being displayed to him like a doll in a toy store.

oh, how he wanted anthony to be his doll.

all the while, anthony was just waiting for it to be over, begging to a god he doesn't believe in for it to just end. he thought about crying about it when he was finally left alone, or maybe crying as he received comfort from his boyfriend.

just get through it.
you'll see archie.

archie- though as disillusioned and empty he is, the boy was the highlight of anthony's day; his time in paradise; his trip to heaven surrounded by the ethereal enigma that was him.

he couldn't wait.


here he was, in a position a plethora of the population yearned to see him in: legs wrapped around archie's waist, arms around his neck as he sits comfortably- oh so fucking comfortably- in the other's lap, hips on top of hips.

despite this, archie didn't really seemed to pay attention, transfixed in another world that was too complex for anth to even begin to understand- and that saddened him to a great deal more than he should've been.

how could he has obtained the nation's affection and attention, yet not captivate the one who truly mattered to him for a single moment?

it wasn't fair, he decided, now childishly frowning as he looked into archie's lost gaze.

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