
13 1 0

Anna ou 😳😳 dumbbitchjuicee 
copied straight from my notes

"do you have a job you need to get to?"

"just an average 9-5, which is kind of not what i wanted, but it's manageable and something my mother agrees with."

"what did you want?"

"oh, i wanted to be a therapist. majored in psychology and all that, but my mother didn't like me to "hang around crazies" and she'd pester me about it and, i guess it stuck with me."

"psychology?" anthony was hopeful, hopeful the connotation he obtained was correct.

"yeah, human emotions and the brain and all that. how humans tick and why. um, observational situations and how they may react with,, body language and all that. it's interesting to me."

",,,,,, archie liked learning about human emotions too."

"oh did he? wow. now i get why i seem almost like a reincarnation of him. that's too damn perfect to be just coincidental."


[anthony showing michael what was left of archie.]

"this a photo of you two?"

"mhmm, we bought ice cream in the park. he was still," anthony paused to fondly chuckle, "mesmerised by it as it was only his 3rd time trying it."

"wow, he's a big guy. big wings too."


"how tall was he?"

"oh, um, 8ft tallish?"

"8 ft tall?? god, he was a giant!"

anthony started to feel uncomfortable; archie- or rather, michael- was talking about him in such a way as if he was just finding about himself. which, in michael's case, he was.
but anthony didn't want to think about how mike couldn't be archie at the moment.

"christ, how did he fit in places? he would've had to crouch down-"

"michael, please,,"

"what, did i say something?"

"no, no i,, i don't fucking know,, it's just that you look like archie but you're talking as if you never knew him but you are him i /know/, i fucking know you are him and, and it just hurts because god,, i want to believe that he's returned."


"god, why did he leave me?! why did he abandon us?! i don't care if i dropped dead right now if it meant i could see a glimpse of him again-"

"anthony. um, i'm sorry. i won't talk like that if it makes you uncomfortable. yeah? i don't want you reliving bad memories or something."

anthony breathed in, eyes closed.

/he's archie, he's archie, he's archie god fucking damnit./

eyes opened, he exhaled; looking at michael's concerned gaze.

/but is he?/

"yeah,, yeah okay. thanks."

mike rubbed his back.

"no worries."

anthony missed his husband.


[darcy and michael]

"h-h-hey m-mic-h-ael,"


"wh-h-y're y-yo-u here?"

"um, i guess um,, anthony, when he approached me,, there was just this feeling of holiness. or really, confused completion."

"w-what do y-you me-mean?"

"when our eyes first connected, it was only a glance cus, y'know he just randomly stopped in the middle of the pavement looking at me. and then,, i felt whole. just even in that one moment, i felt more whole than i've ever felt in my entire life. i was perplexed as to how, how a stranger can make me feel these things but, i guess that's why i'm here, pursuing this. i want to find out why."

"h-h-as he ment-m-mentioned,,, him?"

"uh, it may not be the 'him' you're talking about, but he did say something about a guy called archie and how i look like him. that him?"

",,y-yes,,! yo-you look exactly like h-him,,"

"who was he? who was he to you guys?"

"you,, y-you have no idea how much h-he mattered to us."

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