he loves him// demon + all

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edit: ayo peribloke remember the other sides to dom sjsjsj

Dee😇: Hi, everyone! How are you all?

Archie⚛️: Decent.

Dominic💕: Good!

Darcy🌸: alright thank you :-))

Domë😈: fine

Anthony🔥: meh

Dee😇: So, I have someone to introduce to you all!

Dee😇: Send a message, Demon! Don't be shy! <3

Demon👻 is typing ...

Anthony🔥: tf kinda name is demon

Demon👻: where's darcy.

Dee😇: Say hi!

Archie⚛️: Hello.

Dominic💕: Hi!

Darcy🌸: hi ,,

Domë😈: hey

Anthony🔥: please don't tell me you're like domë pls i can't handle two assholes at once

Domë😈: im a one of a kind asshole babes (((((;;;

Anthony🔥: lol you're not special

Demon👻: i am not.

Demon👻: i hate you anthony hayes.

Domë😈: well then

Domë😈: at least he's straight to the point


Archie⚛️: Anthony, it's only 2 people. Two people of this group isn't considered everyone. You're overreacting and exaggerating.


Demon👻: i have good reasons as to hate you.

Demon👻: they're all justified.

Domë😈: what's with the seriousness jfcccjjc

Demon👻: i like being serious.

Demon👻: besides, i'm only here for one reason.

Dee😇: Is it all of us rolled into one reason?

Demon👻: oh please, you know especially i'm only here for darcy.

Darcy🌸: me,,,?

Demon👻: yes.

Demon👻: you.

Demon👻: otherwise my being here is pointless.

Anthony🔥: how many fucking dominics aRe there jesus

Dominic💕: Don't blame me!

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