kink ;

47 1 4

anthony + archie ;     peribloke
in which anthony tries to make a discussion about kinks.

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breakfast. usually, a time for idle conversations about how everyone is doing or a time for archie to regale everyone of dull news, droning on and on about political stances; anthony, especially him, considering his impulsive libido, inwardly and outwardly rolls his eyes, yet doesn't verbally object, seeing how much the demon is fascinated in the lives of humans.

it was not a time to discuss sexual activities.
knowing anthony,, it was only a matter of time, its inevitability that of the sun rising next morning.

teeth obnoxiously munched on toast, not bothering to close his lips whilst chewing, the following statement even more rude and brusque in its nature,

  'hey, archie, do you have any kinks? it'll be nice if you had a daddy kink.'
the words were so flowing with such nonchalance it seems like something you'd ask your parents on the phone. well, anthony wasn't one for manners in the first place.

in that moment of time, darcy was sipping delicately on his tea; ears hearing what'd ant coolly said, he immediately began choking on the lukewarm liquid, feeling his throat close. dominic, now in a state of panic upon viewing this catastrophe, proceeded to smack the small one's back to rid of the cursed drink that's stuck.
with the deonœl and his widened, fear-ridden eyes accompanied by the shapeshifter's facial expression, the scenario almost seemed comical.

eventually, a few more slaps to the back, darcy calmed down, ears frightfully red. there was equal redness painted onto his quaint face;; how mars shall be envious.
whilst dominic was releasing a tsunami of worry-stricken questions unto the half-human, him being helplessly swallowed up by the waves, archie— amidst all this sudden chaos of a morning meal— merely flicked to another page on his paper, leaf green eyes intently reading its boring contents, somehow retrieving enjoyment from the bore-inducing writing.

   'anthony,," his eyes were ever kept on the page, treating this as if it were indifferent to the norm as well, "from what i've observed, those certain topics aren't for speaking at breakfast or any meal time, considering the sensuality of the question.'

'twas as if archie was lightly reprimanding a child, judging from how monotonous his tone was, yet dipped with a sense of adolescence maturity.
anthony had the traits of a young 'un, after all, quipped with playful impertinence.

  'i just wanted to ask it, jeez,, no need to be so serious, dad.'
how that reply echoes pubertal irresponsibility of teenagers.

another swish of the page;; archie has moved on to reading the food section, interest still piqued.

   'i am not your father, anthony. you are not the fruit of my loins and never will be.'
an articulated response for a not-so-articulated person.

'have you ever heard of sarcasm, archie."

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this is bad i apologise,, part two maybe ??

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