eating out is nice

31 1 4

smut // praise, a 'sir' kink i don't know + title says all wink wink
summary: archie bein real dominant owo peribloke  a good heckin


lil things

smut / fluff / angst etc


he hummed in content, sound reverberating in his throat, as he roamed his hand over his lover's smooth, dotted prettily with freckles back. it was somehow taunting him to just mark anthony with purple splotches of hickies.
eliciting hushed, high-pitched gasps and moans as he did so, hands gripping his curvy hips quite roughly.
"my pretty baby,," he muttered against anthony's pale skin,
"do you know how much i adore you?
you're such a good, good boy,, all obedient and submissive just for me."
just at the mere statement, anth became drunk on his flattering words and dependant on archie, entering into galaxies of subspace. everything felt warm and cosy.
"a-ah,, y-yes! i am a good boy,, your good boy, always your good boy, sir." he babbled shamelessly, tone laced with need.
finished with his artwork, admiring the hickies anthony's back now adorned that were contrasting wonderfully on his porcelain skin, his hands now slid over the curve of the arched back before him, halting at his bottom which was raised willingly in the air.
without any warning, the demon grasped anthony's slender hips, hands probably leaving even more marks of beautiful bruises in the male, and raised it even higher due to his own tall height, eliciting a surprised squeak.
with said bottom now in front of his face, he smirked a tad, eyes flitting towards the already-stretched, pink hole.
before anything else, he placed a small, feather-like kiss onto the entrance, smirking and relishing in anthony's reaction which consisted of a shocked jolt forward, a pornographic moan accompanied by an 'f-fuck, s-sir,, please continue, p-please.'
desire coursing through his veins, anth pushed back onto archie's face, desperate for anything inside him at this point.
his smirk was now as wide as a cheshire cat's, comprehending the man's total sensitivity,
'of course, princess.'
't-thank you, s-sir, g-g-god than-nk you.'
the man's need fuelling him, he carried on.
chastely planting a tiny peck at the cleft of anthony's ass, he parted his lips and dove in.
tongue flicking inside and tasting anthony, the aforementioned male emitted such whorish sounds, jaw lax from the pleasure encapsulating his being, face contorted to one that rivalled a porn star's acting.
a plethora of inappropriate noises filled the atmosphere.
pressing his rear back more, his head was thrown backwards, now crying out femininely as archie lapped at his hole, occasionally shoving all of his tongue inside the tight ring of muscle.
from the overwhelming sexual enjoyment, his knuckles turned white, gripping the sheets tightly, managing out,
'o-oh! s-sir,, to-tongue,,
fe-feels so,, so good, sir,
so-so /so/ good,, s-so good to me, s-sir.'
he felt the familiar feeling of warmth pooling in his tummy, internally whining at the thought of stopping. despite this, he— being the good boy he is— decided to tell archie.
's-sir,, cl-close,, b-bu-ut p-please do-don't st-op,,"
raw desperation was the epitome of his pleas.
the one of hell pulled away, earning a small, vocal whine from anthony from the feeling of emptiness and the lack of warmth and being full,
"if that is what you wish, darlin'." he spoke an octave lower, rasping demonic tones coming into play.
with fervour, he dove back in again, evoking a yelp from anth that was quickly buried under more lewd noises.
'a-ah! gonna come, gonna come—!'
his hips stuttered sporadically, white strands of cum spilled from him, dripping onto the sheets.
as to what anthony instructed- practically begged- before, archie indeed continued eating out anthony, stamina never decreasing due to his form and species, tongue deftly licking at his hole as always, spurning the fiery-haired man to full hardness once again.
eventually, he knew it would have to stop,,
but not right now.
not right now.

sorry the ending is bAd i wrote this at 4am so i have an excuse

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