loving up on you

22 1 12

peribloke  ♥️♥️💙💕💜💖💝💘

steadily, he fucked anthony into oblivion, his fingers gripped his thighs harshly, leaving malevolently purple bruises speckled on the underside. sat on the bed, with anthony sat on his bottom, legs around the other's waist, receiving the taste of paradise every time archie thrusts into him as he rocks back in gratitude. their bodies were intertwined, as if, at the mere possibility they were to ever inch away for even a fleeting moment, the other would crumble.

the fiery-haired man swore he could see stars, eyes hooded; hazy and slightly cross-eyed from the unadulterated satisfaction he obtained. mouth half-open and his pink tongue peeking out, his heart did leaps, tightly clenching the sheets, feeling slight bounces as archie fucked him. the demon's dick felt so, so deliciously good sliding in and out of him; he can't get enough.

anthony came 5 times already, vice versa with archie, only with 4, yet they still carried on, loving each other's bodies and the skin-on-skin contact with each other. (they wanted to draw this moment out as long as possible.)

god, he loved him.
not just the sex, but archie in general.
he loved him.
he loved archie.

it was about to become better as archie managed to huff out in his arousal dazed stupor,
"w-who's,, ah, my fa-fuckin' baby?"
shit, anthony thought, eyebrows furrowing further as a high-pitched whine was elicited in raw joy from that statement. if it was possible, his cheeks further reddened. loud, effeminate moans became present in the atmosphere.
unsatisfied with no answer, archie took it upon himself to chastise anthony by promptly smacking him on the side of his ass, pink-red accumulating the area quickly. from the pain and pleasure, it evoked a sudden yelp from anth, face frozen with his eyes now scrunched up beautifully.
"i s-said- fuck, who's my fu-fuckin' baby."
anthony's eyes became slits, eyesight somewhat blurry as he mustered up a reply, heartbeat sounding loud, "m-m-me?" his voice was small, wrecked from their activities.
another slap- this time much softer.
"y-yes, you. god, you. d-don't,, ever doubt that."

anthony felt like he was going to cry.

he was going to cry anyways from being overwhelmed by the stimulation, but now archie was letting the sap lose again.
he didn't mind, though.

"n-now,, wh-o's my f-fuckin' sweetheart."
arch's strained voice had a raspy undertone to it, and anth- being deep in arousal- let it send straight to his dick.

the sides of his mouth tilted upwards, trying to form an open mouthed smile. oh, how the romantic cuddly moment heavily contrasted to their current situation.

"ah-hah,, w-who's my apple pie?" the demon was pulling out all the stops.

"oh! me-oh, me."
by this point, anth latched his arms around his lover's sweaty neck, eager to minimise the space between them, his hot and heavy pants landed on archie's chest as he gazed up at him with pleading eyes.

heavy, harsh and quick breaths were elicited out of anthony; tired was an understatement, but oh, he wanted to keep going (the same was for archie.)

"w-who's- hah- my dear h-husband that-that i love an-and adore?"

yep, he was crying. god, he's too emotional for this.

"i am!"
he cried out, half in dazed delirium as his heart and mind simultaneously did leaps. tearing up at the unadulterated, complimentary love he was being handed- no, gifted- to, he felt the happiest he can ever be, feeling as though he's dancing with angels.
quickly taking the opportunity, he began licking at his neck, their bodies flushed on one another, fingers intertwining with archie's hairs. at this, he gave off a low groan in gratefulness, quickening his pace that was already rough. anthony gave a kiss below archie's ear, eyes hooded. by now, his body was overspent and overstimulated, and now even his heart would be emotionally worked as the terms of endearment swam in his mind with how cheesily affectionate they are.
he loved it.
he loved him.
he loved archie.



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