nother gc chap

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not a pt 2 to the other gc part ! peribloke  the boys are in college in this !
also yes,, archie can type properly as well
and i dk shit about college tests n scores there so don't @ me

Anthony🔥: hey what're your scores on that science test everyone

Archie⚛️: I received a 98/100.

Dominic💕: 87

Darcy🌸: 82

Anthony🔥: teachers pets i got a 19

Archie⚛️: I am now currently laughing (thought not truly as happiness isn't an emotion I obtained yet) at your low grade

Archie⚛️: I shall show you that I am by typing it

Archie⚛️: ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Archie⚛️: ha

Dominic💕: awh cheer up anth there's always a next time

Archie⚛️: Well, in all honesty, Anthony, you never study or try your hardest so you're just setting yourself up for failure

Anthony🔥: i just dont care about this bullshit

Anthony🔥: like why do we have to do this it's just grades n shit not to mention im drowning in student debt
it's like as soon as we are born life has a routine,, be an oblivious kid,, oblivious to what life rly is and then when you reach a certain age it all falls on you,, the realisation that life is a fucking dick

Anthony🔥: brb having an existential crisis

Dominic💕: i'll make some cookies when you come to!

Darcy🌸: also dom,, how's that culinary school you're going to?

Dominic💕: Quite well! They said Gordon Ramsey would find my,, /my/!,, food adequate !!

Darcy🌸: yay :-)

Archie⚛️: Who is Gordon Ramsey?

Dominic💕: A human who has a cooking show and decides whether his chef's food is edible or not. He swears a lot too. He has a very high standard and the fact that my food will be considered adequate to him just makes me kind of proud of myself! :,)

Darcy🌸: i'm proud of you dom

Darcy🌸: i always am

Archie⚛️: Me too.

Archie⚛️: We're all proud of you, Dominic. Even Anthony though I can't vouch for him as he's probably lying on his dirty laundry-infested floor contemplating his existence.

Dominic💕: Thank you all 💓💞 :,-)

Dominic💕: i love all of you !

Darcy🌸: i love you 2 domino :-)) ❣️💗💘💝

Archie⚛️: Despite emotions being hard to understand, I, love you too.

Dominic💕: Gtg have to do an essay about different types of bread! See you, remember to eat healthy and stay hydrated!! 💖💖

Archie⚛️: Bye.

Darcy🌸: see u 💞


ex cuse me but dom's so precious k bye

Anthony🔥: k im back why tf were you all so wholesome fucking hell

sent at 16: 58 pm

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