*yeets myself into the void*

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ahhshs i'm bad at ending things i'm sorry 😌🤟


darcy pulled dominic ontop of him, giggling and revelling in the chance he might die after all.

"a-a-are you sure we can, right now?"

"yes, now please-"

"b-b-but what about,, i don't want anything to happen to you,"

his eyes flickered to the door; darcy could sense his terror and pouted, he couldn't give one fraction of a shit whether he came out alive or dead. 

he just wanted to be with his dominic, even if it's just for a little while.

"t-touch me, domie!! touch me,,, s-so i know you care,"
hooded eyes bore into surprised ones, arms reaching out to bring the nervous body closer to his own. he was aching, aching for dominic. his voice as soft as a petal falling to the ground, he spoke into dom's ear as to why his heart is as if it's trying to jump into his gentle, gentle hands.

"you're so gentle, when he isn't. you're so fucking nice, when he isn't. you pour every ounce of your heart into every touch you give to me, when he always wants it to be fast; rough; uncaring,"

darcy wanted nothing more than just dominic. and all of his gentle, gentle being. his hold tightened, feeling dom's shaky breaths grace his neck as he smiled lightly despite how perilous the situation was.

"you treat me oh so nicely, like i'm some fine china to be kept in a museum. if i crack even in the slightest, you try to fix me up and glue this fucking mess of a shapeshifter back together. and, oh fuck, i love you so much,"

darcy kissed his ear, humming euphorically when he felt dom gently- oh so fucking gently-hold his hips.

this was when his ramble turned a more promiscuous turn. more of an effect of how much anthony uses him for his lithe, delightfully small body, blurring the lines between actual love and sex.

still, it was the thought that counted.

"i want you, in me, all the time. haah-,, i need you in me all the time,, you and your gentle pace, gripping my thighs as i call your name. i want to feel you near me, needing me too. anthony doesn't need me, clearly. he doesn't need me at all,"

his thoughts nearly almost spiralled out, like accidentally dropping paint onto a blank canvas, but he was brought back to reality when dom kissed his neck.

"domie, i need, your touch. i need you. you're so ethereal. whenever,, you cum inside me i feel closer to fucking heaven- i'm so happy it hurts,,!"

he whined: dom had begun rubbing into his hipbones and open-mouthed kissing the dip in his shoulder.

"so please, touch me. let me feel your love, please. you're heaven,,! you're p-paradise in this hell,,,!! you make living and and enduring all of this shit worth it,,!! you fulfil what were meant to be his vows. if you weren't just meant to keep me from killing myself,,, i would want to marry you. fuck, i want to marry you right now and forget him. become yours to enjoy as i get to enjoy your gentle, gentle touch."

he felt dominic pull away and he felt himself unravelling in his concerned gaze; he wanted rid of that ever eternal crease on his forehead. then, he smiled oh so gently at him and he wanted him even more in that moment.

"hey, if we get married, i'll be yours to enjoy too. i'm yours to have. hell, you'll probably be the only one who'll i'll have sex with until i die."

he chuckled through his nose as he held darcy's hand and leaned his face into his palm and darcy wanted him more than ever to ravish him completely until there's nothing left for others to enjoy. only him. only dominic is who he wants to belong to.

"m-marry me right now,,?"

wide, hopeful eyes received a wide, hopeful response.

"r-really? but what-"

"stop thinking of him. and start thinking about us, hm?"

he cradled his face- dom's beautiful, thoughtful face. there was nothing more heavenly to behold.

"o-okay then,, darcy,, will you marry me? i have no ring, nothing else that i have of worth,, i only have myself. but i promise to give you all of me for as long as i live."

steadily, he moved downwards, the smaller man anticipating his next action, wanting dom's hands all over him like he was some common whore. which he was, in his mind.

shoving self deprecation to the side once, he daringly (on his part) grabbed onto dominic's hair and pushed him to his entrance. he cried out immediately when he sensed dom's heavy breaths on him.

"t-then, eat me out as my husband- oh!"

hands gripped the sheets tightly; his mouth open from pure joy as he tipped his head back to look skyward and cried. dom's mouth was so warm.

he was so warm.

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