Part 15

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The elevator doors slid open soundlessly. I walked out, making my way to my room. When I reached it, I gave a slight knock then walked inside.

Louis was laying down on my bed, eyes closed and lips parted slightly. Zayn was sitting in the chair to the side, eyes closed also. I smiled and mentally thanked Zayn for being such a good friend and looking after Louis while I was gone.

I quietly walked over to Zayn, tapping his shoulder and whispering his name. He jolted up, looking around. His eyes focused on me and a small smile formed on his lips.

"Hey, Harry." Zayn's voice was raspy from just waking up. He wiped the sleep from his eyes and looked up at me again.

"Thanks for keeping Louis company," I said.

"No, it's fine. No need to thank me. We did fall asleep, however, as you can see."

I nodded, sighing and rubbing my face with my hands.

"You seem stressed." Zayn pointed out. I nodded, pulling my hand through my hair. "What happened?"

I sat on the footrest in front of my bed and looked up at Zayn. "A lot."

"Mind telling me?" I nodded and started the story.

"After Ms. Garner dropped me off at a door on the highest floor, I walked inside and closed the door." From there I told Zayn about Niall and Liam, their wings, the maniacs escaping, and finally the offer to help them. I left out the part of thier offer to become an angel, however.

"Are you going to help them?" Zayn questioned, eyebrows furrowed at the information he just recieved.

"I feel as though I have to, y'know? These guys are angels. They're much more powerful than I am." I said honestly.

"Why do they want you to help them?"

"I don't know. I've been thinking about that but I honestly have no idea. They won't tell me either."

"What about Louis?" Zayn asked the question that I had been asking myself since I got the information.

"Louis is the reason I haven't given them an answer yet. I want to tell him and see what he says." I looked over at the sleeping boy, his breathing deep and arms tucked into his shirt. Louis was my angel, an angel in hell.

"So you just walked out on the angels?" Zayn broke me from staring at Louis.

"I guess you could say that." I said, remembering what happened.

Niall had told me I could become an angel. I didn't say anything, I just froze. Then Louis came into my mind again.

"I can't." I quietly said.

"Why not?" Liam asked, folding his arms across his chest.

"I just can't."

Niall sighed in annoyance, "Harry we're not here to play games. We're not joking around. This is real. Insane people are escaping to Earth, and who knows what will follow in their path. People are in danger. We chose you and other important people to help us. Now you tell us why you can't help us, and it better be a good reason, or we will make you."

I looked up from the ground to make eye contact with Niall. "Have you ever loved someone?" I asked.

"Harry-" Liam began to say, but I cut him off.

"Have you ever loved someone, Niall?" I asked again.

Niall didn't break eye contact with me. We just stared at each other, eye to eye. Finally, Niall spoke, "No. I don't think I have."

"Then you don't know why I can't. There is someone in this building, someone who I love. This person is already worried sick about me because I had to come up here to talk with you guys. I can't just leave with you guys and leave him worrying about me even more. I love him. I won't leave him." I finished talking, crossing my arms over my chest.

Niall looked over to Liam, who looked back. They had another silent conversation, then Liam looked up and started talking.

"We need you Harry. We realize that the person you love needs you, too. So we will wait for an answer from you. We hope you will think about this over time and we hope you will realize that coming with us and helping us is the right decision."

"Think about this while we wait," Niall chimed in, "Earth is a terrible place filled with terrible people. Would you agree?" I slowly nodded. "However, not all the people are terrible. If we don't stop these maniacs from breaking through hell, those good people will get hurt. Children will get hurt. Many innocent people will get hurt. Are you willing to go around knowing that if you refuse to help us innocent people will get hurt?"

I didn't respond at first. Then I asked, "How much time will you give me to think about it?"

"One day. Twenty-four hours." Liam responded.

I groaned internally. Twenty-four hours.

I walked out of the room at that moment. I had nothing else to say to Niall and Liam, and I certaintly didn't want to hear anything else they had to say.

"Mate? You still with me?" Zayn asked playfully. I slightly smiled in return, shaking my head.

"Sorry. I was just remembering what happened."

"No big deal," Zayn waved a hand dismissively, "I'll get going so you can tell Louis everything."

"Tell me what?" A quiet voice asked. I turned my head to see Louis sitting up in my bed.

"Bye Harry. See you later Louis." Zayn dismissed himself and walked out the room. I stood up and took off my boots.

"Tell me what, Harry?" Louis asked again. I shook my head, walking over towards the door to turn off the lights.

"Can I tell you tomorrow, Lou?" I asked, yawning right after.

Louis sighed, "Fine. But right when you wake up I expect you to tell me."

I nodded, walking over to the bed. I crawled in with Louis, throwing the covers over our bodies.

"You're lucky I love you," Louis said, placing a kiss on my jaw.

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist, placing a kiss on the top of his head. "I know."

Louis soon fell asleep once again, and I started to drift off with Louis in my embrace and the thought of the twenty-four hours ticking down once again.

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