Part 28

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"You're kidding, right?" Perrie complained, "we just got back and now we have to save the day again?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I had hoped Perrie and Zayn would easily agree to helping with the search for Michael. Zayn, being his easy going self, said he would help. Perrie, however, was a different story.

"I'm not making you help, Perrie." I said. "I'm just asking. If you don't want to help, fine. Just think if it was Zayn missing. Would you want all the help you could get?"

"You better say yes." Zayn muttered under his breath, making Perrie laugh lightly.

"Of course I would." Perrie rolled her eyes, "fine. I'm coming. Give us a few minutes. We'll tell you when we're ready."

I nodded, exiting Zayn's room. I made the short trip back to my own, silently hoping Louis had succeeded in calming Luke down in the short amount of time.

He didn't.

As I entered my room, sobs filled my ears. I sighed, for what seemed like the millionth time, walking further into the room.

Louis stood up as I came into his sight, walking towards me with his arms outstretched. I accepted the hug, pulling him into my arms.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I can't calm him down." Louis muttered into my shoulder.

I ran my fingers through his soft, feather-like hair, "It's okay, Boo. You tried. The only solution to this problem is finding Michael."


"I have no idea."

Luke pulled his face out of his hands, glaring at us with tear stained cheeks. "I have an idea. How about we actually start the damn search."

"We're waiting on Perrie and Zayn." I explained.

"For what? What's the best they could help with?" Luke spat.

My eyebrows pinched together, "What do you mean? The more eyes the better, Luke. They don't even have to help. They're helping for your sake, so you could be a little grateful."

"He's just worried," Louis whispered, looking up at me.

"Doesn't mean he has to be an asshole about it."

"Hey," Luke said, "I'm always an asshole."

I smiled, "Can't argue with that."

Moments later, Perrie and Zayn arrived. The five of us left, Luke leading the way. He had stopped crying. He had a piece of cloth in his hands, tying it in a knot and undoing it repeatedly.

"What are you doing that for?" Louis asked, pointing to the cloth.

Luke tightly tugged on the cloth, forming another knot, "Calms me down. Michael gave me the idea when we first met."

"What's Michael like?" Louis asked, looking up at Luke.

Luke sighed, pocketing the cloth, "He's great. The only thing I actually enjoy being around."

"Hurtful!" Perrie called out from behind.

"Don't get me wrong," Luke said, "you guys are great people, too. I just mean that Michael doesn't get on my nerves as much. As you could probably tell, I'm bad at controlling my anger. Anger management issues, I guess. Michael's the only person who knows how to contain my anger, even more than I do."

I smiled, relating to how Luke felt about Michael. Louis is the only person who knows how to keep me together in one piece. Without him I would be broken, my pieces no where to be found. Louis is the only one who knows how to put me together again, piece by piece.

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