Part 18

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Time usually goes by slow when you're dreading something. However, it also goes by slow when you're willing it to go faster.

I found myself staring at the ceiling, Louis wrapped in my arms, as I waited for the twenty four hours to pass. Louis had fallen asleep long before I even shut my eyes, and when I opened them again I realized only minutes had passed.

To say I was excited for tomorrow was an understatement. I was elated. After I did whatever the angels needed me to do I was going to Heaven with Louis.

When you're old and dying you expect to go to Heaven and eventually meet up with your lover. But, if you're in Hell you definitley wouldn't expect to go to Heaven with your lover.

This is why I lie awake, waiting for time to pass, thinking of how lucky I am.

Eventually time does pass, and Louis has to leave to go to Lucifer's.

"Louis," I shake the sleeping boy awake. He grumbles in return. "Louis, you have to wake up. It's time to go to Lucifer's."

"I don't want to." Louis mumbles, shifting his body so his face is nuzzled in my chest.

I sighed, stroking his soft hair, "You have to, Louis."

"I'm not motivated enough."

My eyebrows pinched together as I thought of what he could have meant by that.

"What would motivate you to get up, then?" I questioned.

"I dunno," Louis mumbled.

We sat there in silence for a moment before I started rubbing circles on Louis back again.

"Louis you really have to get up. You don't want to be late."

Louis groaned, "I'm not motivated enough, Haz."

"You already said that. If you want to elaborate that would be useful." I said, waiting for him to explain what he wanted.

"Kiss me." Louis plainly stated.

"What?" I asked.

Louis let out a slight chuckle, which vibrated through my body. "You have to kiss me to motivate me. Unless you want me to be late and face the consequences."

I flinched slightly at his choice of words, picturing the things Lucifer would do to Louis if he was late.

"Fine," I gave in, moving my hand from Louis back up to his neck. "You have to move your head out of my chest, Lou."

Louis slightly groaned, shifting his body once again so he was on his back, blue eyes looking into mine.

"Now kiss me you fool." Louis muttered, closing his eyes and pushing his lips out.

I chuckled, shaking my head slightly. "You're the fool," I said before leaning down to lock our lips together. I pulled back after a few seconds, making the kiss shorter than Louis expected.

Louis made a small sound of disapproval, opening his eyes and pouting his lips. "Why'd you stop?"

"You have to get ready for another kiss." I said, a small smirk playing on my lips.

Louis groaned, pushing himself up. He turned to face me, glancing down at my lips.

"No, Louis," I playfully scolded, putting my pointer finger to his lips, "no kisses until you're ready."

Louis groaned again, but abliged this time. He stood up, bringing his arms behind his back and stretched.

"When do you have to see the angels again?" Louis asked, glancing at me before walking over to his shoes.

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