Part 14

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"We're angels."

The word angel echoed throughout my mind. Angels? In Hell? So many questions were clouding my thoughts.

"Angels?" Was the first word I could muster out. The brunette, Liam, who was studying the books slowly stood up. He turned to face me, eyes traveling from my boots up to my eyes. He gave a faint smile, placing his hands behind his back.

"Yes, angels." Niall said, an emotionless expression still plastered on his face.

"As in wings? Halos? God?" I asked. I felt extremely stupid, making my cheeks heat up with embarrassment.

Liam gave a slight chuckle, "Wings, yes. Halos, no."

"If you have wings why can't I see them?" I questioned. From what I could see there were no wings attached to their shoulder blades.

"Do you have faith in The Lord, Harry?" Niall asked. How he knew my name, I pushed that aside. The question was what caused my eyebrows to furrow.

"Are you asking if I believe in God?" I asked. Niall nodded. Do I believe in God?

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

"Well, if you had faith in The Lord then you would be able to see our wings," Liam spoke, "guessing by the fact that you can not see our wings, then you don't have faith."

I didn't know what to say. I guess I didn't exactly believe in God. Should I say sorry?

The awkward moment after what Liam said faded when he continued talking, "Harry, how can there be a Hell without Heaven?"

I shrugged. "I guess there can't be."

My eyes widened as I saw brown wings shimmer behind Liam, yellow behind Niall. They looked like bird wings, covered in feathers. They were attached to their shoulder blades, where Niall's went from the faded yellow to a dark brown.

Liam gave a faint smile, "Do you see them, Harry?" I continued staring at the wings, not knowing how to respond for the second time.

"Why are yours yellow and brown?" I asked Niall. Out of all the things I should be asking, I ask the most pointless.

"Wings are colored by hair color. Liam's original hair color is brown, along with mine. However, I dyed my hair blonde. The base of the wings are like the roots of your hair. My roots are brown, so the base of my wings are brown." Niall answered my question. I nodded, letting him know I understood.

"That's fascinating." I stated. Niall nodded and Liam gave another smile.

I was snapped out of my daze when reality hit me. There were angels. In Hell.

"Why are you in Hell? How are you in Hell?" I added the last part hesitantly.

"We have important news to deliver." Niall said.

"Deliver to me?"


I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?"

Liam glanced over at Niall, the two locking eye contact. They had a silent conversation, then Niall started speaking.

"Earth is going to be in complete chaos in a matter of days," I opened my mouth to speak, but Liam shook his head. I quickly shut it as Niall continued. "Hell is going to break loose." Liam started speaking before I could say anything.

"All kinds of people go to Hell, yes? Even though The Lord died for our sins, some people had too many sins on Earth. They were sent to hell. Then there are people like you, who waste their precious life," I had to resist the urge to hurt the brown winged angel when he said this, "then there are the extremely large sinners.

"The people who have committed murder to other individuals, or done terrible things to children, etcetera. Those terrible sinners are breaking out of Hell itself."

My mouth dropped slightly, "how can they do that? Aren't there hellhounds at every entrance and exit to Hell?" Hellhound are nasty creatures. They're terrifying. I'll spare you from most of the horrific details, so just picture a gigantic dog on steroids that has foam dripping from every side of its mouth.

"I wouldn't tell you even if I knew myself." Niall rubbed his face with his hand, obviously stressed out about this.

"Why are they breaking out? What's their motive?" I asked both of them.

"You know that in Hell what you do for the rest of eternity is because of why you're in Hell," Niall spoke, "for example, your job is to be like a Grim Reaper because you committed suicide."

"I never thought of it that way," I honestly said.

"Well," Liam said, "these terrible sinners have physical punishment, not mental like yourself. Terrible physical punishment that has tortured them for years. They've had enough and are somehow breaking through to Earth. I don't need to say why that's a problem, do I?" I shook my head no.

"Why haven't I heard about any of this?" I wandered aloud.

"This isn't the type of information Lucifer or anyone else who knows would share with others. It's dangerous information." Niall answered.

"Okay," I said, "so what do I have to do with any of this?"

"The angels have chosen a few individuals to help stop this uprising of sinners." Liam said.

"You're one of them." Niall added.

More countless thoughts flooded my mind. Louis was the biggest one. I'm not going to do this if it means not being able to see and embrace Louis for a while, or maybe never again.

"What if I don't agree to help?" I asked.

"Then you will have wasted your one and only chance to become an angel."

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