Part 1

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Waking up every day now didn't feel right. Exactly a year ago I woke up feeling normal, like it was any other day. The cold winter air that filled the air. The feeling of living out my normal day; going to school, stressing out over work, coming back home to be greeted by people who despised me. Except one. His name was Louis Tomlinson. Louis wasn't just a normal lad, not to me. He was special to me, had a special place in my heart. You could say it's just a school boy crush, but it was more than that. I loved Louis. The sad thing was those feelings soon went to waste.

Waking up now felt like hell; no pun intended. I woke up knowing my life was empty, knowing I would not want to go back to sleep that night. But I didn't want to wake up either. I just wanted to float around in a pit of darkness, no thoughts or feelings. Thoughts and feelings are what kept me from living my new life. Thoughts were what kept me from being happy.

Why me? I always thought. Why did they choose me? What do I, Harry Styles, have to do with any of them. Their cold hearts, dark souls, emotionless faces. I was so full of life, happiness, and joy. What do I have to do with them? They don't care about anyone. I'm not like any of them. I know now that I belong with them. I know now that I have a cold heart, a dark soul, and an emotionless face wherever I go. I got this way because of them. Everyone calls them the Tellers.

The Tellers were like my bosses. Every day I would wake up and go to them, ask them what I would do for work, I guess you would call it. Every day was a different job. Every day new sorrow crept into my life because of the Tellers. My job was fairly simple, in a way. All I had to do was say a few words then leave. That's the easy part. The hard part were the feelings that came with it. The feelings of regret as I watch people's faces change. As I turn around, leaving them to their fate. That was what my job consisted of. My job was to tell people that they were going to die that day. My job was to tell them that they had only several hours, if lucky a whole day, to say goodbye to their loved ones. If they're unfortunate, they don't believe me and die without a single word. If they're lucky, they say goodbye to their family and friends. But then again, who is ever lucky to encounter me?

As I walked into the Tellers building, I was dreading work today more than usual. I slowly made my way to the Tellers room. I didn't want to work today. It was a particularly dreadful day for me. However, I have never missed a day of work; can never miss a day of work. So I sucked up my dread, and knocked on the Tellers large oak doors.

"Come in," a low voice spoke, the voice that belonged to the main Teller. I pushed open the oak doors, striding into the circular room. This room used to always scare me. Not the room itself, but the people among it. Twelve individual Tellers sitting at a round table, each Teller wearing a black coat with a black hood pulled over their head, all accept one. The main Teller, also known as Lucifer. He's like our boss. He controls everyone and everything.

"Ah, Harry. I was wandering if you would show up." Lucifer said, looking up. His face was a ghostly white, with pitch black eyes. The other Tellers whispered amongst themselves at what Lucifer said, as it was quite absurd. If you didn't show up for work you were banished to oblivion. This is why I forced myself out of bed every morning, even though today it was especially hard.

"Wouldn't count on missing a single day, Mr. Lucifer," I responded, looking at the other eleven Tellers. They never change, always looking down at the round table, mumbling amongst themselves.

"Well, today is an extraordinary day for you, I would assume." Lucifer said.

"If you would call it that," I cringed, "then yes. Today is a special day." It wasn't special, though. It was a terrible day.

"Do you mind telling us why that is, Harry?" Lucifer asked. He already knew what today was, he always knows. He just loves hearing everyone admit it. He loves hearing the pain in their voice. I wasn't going to give into him; I wasn't going to give him the pain he wanted from me. So instead I responded the most emotionless way possible, which wasn't hard.

"Today is my one year death anniversary." I stated, once again glancing around the table. The other eleven Tellers were talking amongst themselves again, this time louder. Not once did they move their heads, however; always staring at the table. I had used to wonder why they didn't look around, look at me. I soon came to know I shouldn't wonder that. I should be glad they don't. One look at you and they tear out your soul from your body. You die for eternity, if death once wasn't enough for you.

"Yes, yes. Congratulations, Harry. I have another job for you, however. No cake this year." Lucifer stood up from his chair, walking over to one of the file cabinets. He opened the drawer labeled 'December 5th, 2013'. That was today's date. He was pulling out the name of the next person's life I get to ruin.

"I didn't expect any, sir, don't worry. Where do I have to go today?" I asked. It was always somewhere new. Africa, North America, Australia. I've been everywhere in the past year. You would think that would be great, but I didn't exactly stick around to do any sightseeing.

"Doncaster, United Kingdom." Lucifer said, grabbing a folder from the drawer. That name rang a bell somewhere in the back of my mind. I couldn't quite place it, though. I must have been there before. That's not uncommon, going to the same town twice.

Lucifer handed me the tan file folder, a slight smirk on his face. I took it from his hands, "Any more information you can give me before I'm on my way, sir?"

"The boy you are going to be visiting today lives in an orphanage. Doncaster Orphanage. You will be placed right in front of it. The rest of the information is in the folder, as always." Lucifer said, a hint of delight in his voice. I wanted to ask why he was so happy about this job, but I knew better. No one ever questions Lucifer, not unless it's about your job.

"Okay, sir. Thank you. I will be on my way," I said. I walked to a red door behind the round table. Ever since Lucifer handed me the file folder the other eleven Tellers hadn't stopped mumbling to one another.

"Have a nice day, Harry. You deserve it," I could hear the smugness in his voice. He knew something about this job I didn't, I know it. There was no getting out of working today, however. I just had to suck up the uneasiness I was feeling and open the red door and ruin someone else's life. So that's exactly what I do.

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