Part 20

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I noticed Perrie was very hesitant when Luke started leading us down another pathway. She lingered behind me as I followed behind Luke. I turned back, seeing her looking around with her eyebrows pinched together.

"You okay Perrie?" I called out, turning around to motion for Luke to stop.

"What?" Perrie's eyes locked onto mine and she smiled, "of course. Sorry."

Perrie ran to catch up to us, and Luke turned around to lead us.

"You're obviously not fine. What's bothering you?" Luke asked, keeping his eyes forward.

Perrie shrugged, eyes facing the stone path. "I'm just worried."

"Worried about what?" Luke asked, slowing down his pace to stand next to Perrie and I.

Perrie shrugged again, "Everything pretty much. What if we're not strong enough to stop them? What if we lose our chance for heaven? I can't let Zayn down."

I turned to look at her, confused. "Zayn? What about Zayn?"

Perrie locked eye contact with me, "Calum and Ashton promised me I could take Zayn to heaven. If I succeeded, that is. Which I'm doubting we will."

"Yeah," I murmured, "Niall and Liam said I could bring Louis along with me, too."

Perrie lifted her head to look at Luke, "What about you, Luke? Troye and Tyler must have offered for you to bring someone."

Luke shook his head. "They offered, yes. But I refused. I didn't want anyone to come with me."

"Why not?" I asked.

"Having someone you love is just a setback. It blinds you from the real goal. Plus, it could make you second guess yourself like Perrie. I'd rather not have that problem."

"They don't always blind you," I countered, "Louis is my motivation in this whole situation. Before I said yes to the angels, I refused. That's when they offered I could bring Louis."

Luke shrugged, dismissing the topic. The three of us kept walking for a few more minutes until Perrie broke the silence.

"So there's no one you would take with you? No one at all?"


Perrie rolled her eyes, "Of course not. You're just some emotionless bad ass, right?"

"If that's how you want to see me, then yes."

Perrie opened her mouth to say something back, but I quickly changed the topic before she could. "Where are you taking us Luke?"

"To an old friend." Luke responded.

"Why? We should be finding the escapees, not looking for your old friend." Perrie exclaimed.

"This will help us find them." Luke held up a hand, stopping us. We were faced with a dead end, brick walls surrounding us on all sides except for the way we came in.

"Did we miss a turn?" I asked, turning to face Luke

"No." Luke said, walking towards the shortest brick wall. "Perrie, come here. I'm going to boost you over this wall."

"What? Why?"

"Trust me."

Perrie glanced at me before walking towards Luke. Luke got down on one knee and clasped his hands together, facing upward, on his knee. Perrie placed her left foot on his hands, holding onto Luke's shoulders.

"If you drop me I'll send you to oblivion." Perrie said in a serious tone.

"I won't." Luke assured. "On three I'm going to boost you up. You have to grab onto the top of this wall, okay?"

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