Part 25

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It started to get darker as we followed the path of broken leaves.

Ariana noticed the change in time, as she suggested we stop for a rest.

"I say we keep going," Luke voiced his opinion. "The sooner we find Perrie the better."

"We need rest. All of us. We can't keep searching for you friend through the night." Ariana tried to convince Luke.

"I'm not stopping. By the time we wake up, the crunched leaves will have been covered by another layer."

"Suite yourself. I'm tired, so I'm going to stop. What about you, Harry?" Ariana asked.

I agreed with Luke about the leaves being covered. But as I quickly thought of what to say, I realized how tired I actually was.

"Sorry, Luke. I'm exhausted. I don't know how much longer I can go without collapsing." I said.

"Fine. Put your needs in front of someone else's. I'm going to find Perrie." Luke said, storming off.

I sighed, rubbing a hand over my face.

"He's a handful." Ariana muttered, taking the white bow out of her hair. "How long have you had to put up with him?" She gently hung the bow from a low branch.

"Only met a few weeks ago, when the angels gave us our task. He's not that bad. He's the strongest person I know." I defended Luke.

"Let's get some rest." Ariana said, dismissing the conversation. She sat down in a patch of grass, leaning her head against a tree trunk.

I was too tired to complain about our sleeping arrangement. I could sleep on a bed of nails in my condition.

I just wanted to wake up and have this living nightmare end.

"Goodnight, Harry."


I've always been an easy sleeper. It showed tonight as I fell asleep right when my eyes shut.

There was a knock on my dorm room door. Being my cautious self, I slowly and soundlessly got up from my bed. I crept to the door, peeking through the peep hole.

To my surprise, Nick or one of his buddies weren't standing on the other side.

A boy with brown, soft hair stood there instead. He looked around, knocking softly again.

I opened the door slightly, poking my head to the side to look at the stranger. Through the small space I had made, the boy smiled widly.

"Hi. I'm Louis." He said, his voice light and friendly. I instantly smiled.

"I'm Harry." I introduced myself, opening the door a but wider. "Do you need anything?"

Louis blushed slightly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'm your new roomie." He said.

"Oh!" I said in surprise, opening the door all the way. "Come in, Louis."

Louis muttered a thank you as he entered the room. He placed two duffel bags on the empty bed, turning to face me.

"This must be really sudden for you." Louis said, looking at the ground.

"I'm used to it, don't worry." I said, sitting on my bed.

"What do you mean?" Louis sat down next to me.

"I've had a lot of room mates."

"Where have they all gone?"

"Somewhere else," I sighed, looking at my lap, "they all leave as soon as they get here."

"Does someone adopt them?"

"No. They just change rooms. They don't like me, I guess." I explained, my cheeks heating up.

"I'm sorry, Harry." Louis said, placing his hand on my knee. "Don't worry, I'll never leave you. I promise."

I looked up, smiling. "Thanks Louis."

"My pleasure."

I was shaken awake from my memory of when I first met Louis. I sat up, gazing around.

"Hello Harry." A familiar voice said.

My vision cleared and I saw the person who owned the voice.

"Niall." I said with gritted teeth.

"You know them?!" Ariana called out. I looked behind Niall, seeing Ariana cowering behind Liam.

I nodded, glaring at Niall.

"I didn't come here to express my remorse, Harry. I came here on orders." Niall said.

"What orders?"

"The Lord wishes to see you."

"Lord? You mean God?" I asked, my adrenaline rushing.

Niall nodded.

"Why would he want to see me?" I asked.

"I wasn't told. I was only told to come and collect you and your friends."

"Friends? You have Luke and Perrie?"

"They're already with the Lord. They're all awaiting your arrival." Niall explained.

"What about Ariana?" I asked, standing up.

"She can't come with us. I wasn't told to collect her, only you three."

I looked over to Ariana, who smiled.

"It's fine, Harry. Go without me. I'll see you soon?" Ariana said her goodbye.

"Bye." I said, waving slightly. I looked towards Niall, who did the motion I despise.

He put his hand on my shoulder and my vision blurred.

When my vision cleared, I was standing in a wide, open room. As I regained my balance, I looked around.

I spotted Luke kneeling down a few feet away.

"Luke?" I called out.

Luke turned, nodding towards me. He then turned his back towards me once more.

I walked towards him, curious. As I got closer, I heard silent sobs.

"Perrie, come on. You're stronger than this." Luke muttered.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"I have no idea. Those bastards showed up in front of me, said they were sent on 'orders of the Lord', then zapped me here." Luke rolled his eyes. "Seconds later Perrie showed up, a sobbing mess."

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"To see me, of course." A deep voice answered. I turned towards the voice. A tall man with a white shirt, white pants, and no shoes was walking towards us.

"Hello, Harry Styles." He said as he approached us. "I am God. It's an honor to finally meet you three."


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it longer than usual, but I don't know if the length's any different than usual. It's late here, but I decided to update since I won't be able to update next week.

The picture in the beginning of this chapter is how Louis and Harry look in the flashback. They're their X Factor ages, so pretty young. Imagine Louis with his glasses in the picture above, though.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, like I said before! Please leave a vote and a comment or two. It does help a lot and I appreciate all the support.

Also, thank you for 6.78k reads! It's incredible. I never expected to get 100 reads, never mind 6k. I love you all.

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