Part 31

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My feet are crunching against broken leaves as I run through the woods. It's midnight, the moonlight being my only hope of seeing where I was going.

I wiped the dripping sweat from my forehead, panting and out of breath. I kept running. I don't know why I'm so determined to keep going. There was just a feeling, a gut feeling, that I had to keep going.

My foot caught on a tree root and I stumbled, catching myself on a nearby tree. I stopped, leaning against the tree. Catching my breath, I looked around. My surroundings looked familiar; beautiful trees with all types of leaves, the sound of the night bugs filling the air peacefully, the intoxicating, phenomenal smell. Everything was so familiar.

I looked down, noticing my boots were untied. I sighed, bending down to retie them so I could continue running. After they were laced, I stood up once more. I readied myself to continue running, but my breath got caught in my throat.

I was in a room, the same wide, circular room as when I met God. It was completely dark, the only source of light coming from the opposite end of the room.

I walked towards it, the effulgent light radiating warmth. As I got closer, I realized that light was Him. I slowed my pace, turning to the side to look around Him. He was muttering something, hands placed on a body stood before Him.

A piercing scream filled the room, making me wince and cover my ears. The scream continued on, its owner only stopping to breath ragged breaths. The screaming came from the direction of the two bodies. I went further, new determination to know who He was torturing pushing me on.

Standing a few feet away, hands still over my ears, I recognized the man in front of Him. Light was swirling around the man, entering him through all available parts; his nose, ears, eyes, mouth. The man's body glowed a brutal red, even brighter than fresh blood.

The light that was being transferred from God to the man seemed to burn his insides, destroying everything it touched.

The screaming intensified as His chants got louder, His grip tightening on the man. I couldn't watch anymore, it was too painful.

"Stop!" I shouted, walking closer. "Please!"

The chanting stopped, the man fell limp to the floor. God turned to face me, eyes glowing gold.

"Who dares interrupt me?" His voice booms, echoing throughout the room.

"I do," I said, surprised in how confident my voice was. "Harry Styles."

"Harry Styles?" He questioned, "how do you regain access to my sanctuary?"

"I-I don't know." I truthfully answered.

"Then be gone! I have unfinished business." He bellowed, motioning to the man, who was shivering violently. He was bleeding through all pores.

"You can't hurt him like that!" I argued.

"This man deserves all the punishment he has coming his way."

"Please! You can't!" I hopelessly plead.

"Perhaps you should endure his pain, if you're so intent on stopping it." God said.

My eyes widened, "No!"

He reached His hands out, closing in on me. I slowly inched back, avoiding His touch. I looked over at the still violently shaking man.

My back made contact with the wall, ceasing my escape. God's hands made contact with my shoulders, and the last thing I saw was Nick lying on the floor, the image of what I would soon be.

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