Part 26

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He seemed to radiate light, all parts of His body giving off a bright glow. He looked exactly as the pictures had shown Him; dark, long hair, a matching beard, the long toga.

After He introduced himself, Luke slowly stood up. Perrie continued to sob, however. It seemed as if she had lost it completely, nothing could break her from her state. It worried Harry, but there was something else distracting him from that matter.

Luke's stare was cold, looking God up and down. No matter who he despised, even if it was the Lord himself, Luke didn't care to hide his hatred.

I stared blankly at Him, eyebrows furrowed. I was confused as to why we were brought to see him. What could we possibly do to please him? We already stopped an outbreak, what else could there be?

"It seems you two are in shock." God said, his voice deep. There was a small smile on his face, forming crinkles on the ends of his eyes.

Luke scoffed, "I'm just shocked about you and your monkey's in general." God raised an eyebrow. "You're supposed to be 'good'," Luke motioned air quotations, "yet you break us from our loved ones and leave us in a state of despair?" Luke motioned to Perrie.

"You agreed to help me for a reward, a reward that I have never offered before. You agreed, Luke Hemmings. You brought this upon yourself." God said.

"Have you not realized what I'm so pissed about?" Luke's voice started to raise. "Your baboons lied to us. They gave us false hope. I didn't bring this upon myself, your baboons did."

"I am confused as to why you keep calling my Angels baboons, and to how they lied to you." God questioned.

"They persuaded us to help you by saying we could bring our loved ones with us to Heaven." Luke explained, hands clenched into a fist.

"Did they? I was unaware of this." God said.

"For fucks sake!" Luke shouted, grabbing at his hair. He spun around, walking in the opposite direction.

I felt bad. I was just standing here, watching Luke fight a battle for the three of us he was obviously losing.

"Do you know what the unalienable rights are, my Lord?" I asked.

"Of course, Harry Styles. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." God answered.

"Yes. The government is supposed to protect those rights, correct? There is no government in Heaven, however, so that leads to You and the Angels."

"I suppose."

"My Lord, do you fail to realize you are denying us one of those rules, the most important in my opinion?" I asked.

"What might that be?"

"The pursuit of happiness. None of us are happy here. We were destined to be in Hell, would you not think so? You changed our destiny, and You doing so led to an atrocious reaction; one of the unalienable rights has been broken."

"I realize this, Harry. There is nothing I can do, however." God said.

"Yes, there is." I looked back at Luke, seeing him watching from a distance, his hands tangled in his hair in distress.

"Again I ask, what might that be?"

"You brought us here, my Lord. Surely you can send us back." I offered.

God's eyebrows raised. "Back to Hell?"

I nodded hopefully.

A moment passed of silence. My hope began to vanish as the silence dragged on.

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