Kitten [1]

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btsarmy7469 Thank you for all the help, I can't even explain how much you've helped me, I love you so much Bell.❤️

[Part 1]

Sighing aggressively, I continue to boringly lye on my queen size bed, alone; out of seven billion people, thirty two million dogs, six hundred million cats and may I add, 9.5 million dogs in Japan.

I'm still sitting alone.

On Valentine's Day.

Eating some chocolate I found in the fridge.

"Why am I so depressing." I groaned, I sat up on my bed, realising there were no chocolates left, damn. It also hit me, how lonely I was.

An idea popped into my mind, ideas always popped up but this idea actually was a great one, instead of being lonely on Valentine's Day every year, eating dinner on my own, going out on my own....

Why not get a pet ?

So I picked up my phone, dialling my best friends number, who by the way— also is probably alone, eating chocolate, cuddling her porpoise plushy and watching pitch perfect over and over again till she realises she's lonely too.

The phone picked up in less then two rings, which wasn't even a high score, she was probably waiting for me, staring at her phone till it started to ring, who knows how long she'd be staring at it for.

"We're going out."

"Um... I'm straight."

My nose subconsciously scrunched up, I couldn't help but roll my eyes and try to hold in my laugh as her voice wavered in a confused manner.

"Bella...—" I could imagine her, long dirty blonde hair thrown around like bed hair, which she hadn't brushed or even looked at. Her eyes glued to either her laptop as she watched a movie or her phone as she stalked my neighbour through Instagram.

"— I meant going out to breath fresh air."

"But I'm still in my pajama's..."

"It's 2 pm."

"Hey, I'm not an early bird like you, shut the–"

Before she could curse, which would most probably last another hour knowing Bella, I cut her off with the details of where we'd meet up, and what I had just thought of doing.

"Meet me at the pet shop."

"The fucking pet shop?! What? You wanna buy a fucking cursed poodle?"

"That's a pathetic rumour Bell, now get dressed."

The only pet shop close enough to to walk to from Bella's and my own apartment, was rumoured to be 'messed up' also ranged to 'crazy' no one really went to buy their animals or needs there and it was a pathetic excuse to why.

I immediately hung up, jumping from my bed and running out my room, through my small apartment and out the door, obviously not forgetting my keys and phone, I was far too excited to calm down, getting a pet could give me a new start.

I was already dressed hours ago, in an easy to wear extra large red and black long sleeve, turtle neck, which was what I usually wore, especially as it was winter and below the average, possibly in the negatives today.

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