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A rush of air had been knocked out of you as you fall onto the wooden ground of your apartment. You had lost all excitement and even the air to breath, but you weren't the only person in pain, and on the floor.

"What the fuck." Someone bickered, you're eyes slowly widened in horror when you realised the nonexistent wood you were lying on.

It was a person, it was...


You looked down at the victim, not really caring that he was naked, or angry, you were just worried that he was hurt.

"I'm so sorry Yoongi! Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Worried words couldn't seem to stop leaving your lips, and the boy below you, only in a fluffy white towel, couldn't take much more of it.

"Stop asking questions Tao, I'm fine." He bitterly sighed, before effortlessly pushing you off of him.

You narrowed your eyes at his behaviour. You were slightly hurt, you had obviously hurt him in some way or another but at least you apologised and was deemed guilty.

You watched as he hotly and tensely left for your room. Slamming the door behind him in a slight rush that it gave you the feeling had only only just had.

He wasn't the only angry one in this house hold.

You stumbled after him, slamming the door open and jumping forwards to grip the towel that wrapped around his lower half. It wasn't pulled from his body, which was lucky, you just wanted to pull him towards you.

Chest to chest contact.

"Listen to me." You narrowed your eyes towards Yoongi, and he gulped as you continued to speak. "What's wrong?"

He growled, Kitten like, animalistic.

"Nothings wrong." He barked, grabbing at your shoulders and trying to push you onto the bed, but you immediately made him go down with you.

You both tumbled onto the bed, but you were quick to roll onto of him and hold dominance, wrapping your legs over his pelvis.

His face flushed scarlet red, his button nose seemly turning into Rudolph's iconic lightbulb. You could nonetheless still tell how angry he was.

"Get off." He whined, still as red as a cherry. Which felt strange to think, you were also comparing your organs to something of a cherry, you felt like your lower half was about to explode in seconds, much like the song 'Cherry Bomb.'

"No. I'll only get off if you explain."

"Please." He whined. The octaves in his voice seemed to tighten, as if he was trying to restrain from something.

You could soon recognise why, something hard was prodding at your leg, you looked down, and through the thin towel....

Oh.... No...

"Master. Master. Master. Master." The word wracked through your brain as you remember how strange the Kit Hybrid has been acting.

I didn't even realise. He had been going to the shower so often, he had been so... whiny and...


Stop thinking about it, you're ovaries were getting more knotted up by the second, your hands going clammy as they moved to grab Yoongi's own two, as he reacted in trying to push you off.

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