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You were forced to let your kit— Yoongi, sleep beside you in the night, you thought it was wrong, you were against it, but for some reason as you woke up and felt the warmth of his body on your own, the negative energy dissipated, why did you feel so happy so suddenly? Because he was sleeping, hands wrapped around you and practically sleeping on top of you?


He seemed so innocent, as you threaded your fingers through his naturally black hair, and you could effortlessly feel the warmth radiating off his skin as he slept on you, he wasn't as heavy as you had thought him to be.

And only minutes after the purrs and moans started to come from him, while he slept, the alarm clock suddenly and not so fortunately started blaring through the room.

"Why the fuck is that thing screaming?" A gruff, oh so husky voice had growled from beside you in the cushioning of the bed.

His head lolled upwards, and you could see the angry, slightly confused, secretly petrified eyes that looked towards yours.

He was barefaced, bare chested, nearly, mostly, almost, totally, naked. Pale skin glistening from the flashing red light coming from your clock, through the pitch dark of your room.

Good morning Satan, I have sinned.

"It's an alarm clock Yoongi."

"Stop it, it's hurting my ears. Why is it loud? Why did it wake me up? Why is it flashing numbers? If it a bomb? Is it threatening you?"

Oh wow, you had to facepalm.

"Calm down." You sighed, sitting up as Yoongi followed foot, glaring towards your alarm clock as it continued to scream and holler with a siren.

"It's loud because it's job is to wake me up. It's flashing numbers because it's trying to tell me the time. It isn't a bomb, and no, it will definitely not hurt or threaten me unless I have a hangover."

Yoongi frowned. "Turn it off, my ears are sensitive to a clock."

You sighed, he probably needed to work on his sentencing, and maybe read on what certain furnitures and accessories were.

You turned to clock off, softly pushing the kitten— Man's body off your own, removing the blankets and walking towards the bathroom.

"H-hey, it's still flashing."

"And I still need clothes."


After locking the door, having a shower and getting changed. You left your bedroom and tiredly walked into the kitchen. You had no care on what Yoongi was doing, although you were hoping he wasn't looking through your closet.

It then struck you that you definitely needed clothes for you kitten, or he'd be roaming around your apartment naked, and sooner or later, your neighbour will walk and and think—

"I always knew she was kinky."

"Yoongi!" You had only got a groan from the couch as a reply. So I immediately continued, before the male would fall asleep. "I'm going next door, to get you some clothes, I'll be back soon okay?"

Kitten » YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now