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#4 ! Think we can get to 1?

Yoongi was definitely on high alert while the two of you were walking down the alley ways and towards Namjoon's shop. You felt the same way as him, you didn't actually want to leave your house because of that wretched girl but you had to nonetheless.

"Lets just go home already." The Kit sighed, raking his thin fingers through his tousled black hair as his tired figure slumped behind yours as you both walked down the slightly busy alleys. He tugged at your hand, but you didn't budge, and he only growled under his breath before walking on.

Your silence fuelled him to talk, he wanted your attention, your undying attention. Right now you were giving him almost nothing, and he was close to carrying you back home. All he wanted was engrossment, he wanted to be able to sit and cuddle, not just that.

Lately a strange feeling had been in the pit of his stomach, although his mind shouts the answer to thee abnormal feeling, he can't help but try to ignore it. She would never allow what his mind was begging for him to do, and he had to try and move on, ignore it.

It was extremely hard though... so hard...

Too often did he feel that alluring and attentive feeling when he saw you only walking around the apartment in only a towel after every nights hot shower. You didn't seem to suspect a thing, but Yoongi often has to pretend like your not there.

Especially in the mornings, that's when those feelings in the pit of his stomach contract and feel the undying urge to touch something, most preferably you.

He bit down on his bottom lip after the words left his lips. He used this tactic to try and not get distracted as his eyes slowly roamed towards your lips as you turned your head towards him.

"We're going home." He hissed, tugging at the girls hand. You only rolled you tired brown eyes and brushed your spare hand through your hair as you spoke.

"We're going home, don't start using that dominant tone on me, it's not working. I'm the boss..." Yoongi's although sour looking eyes were only supposed to seem tired, and he growled under his breath, which wasn't a good move. "Got that?"

He sourly nodded, and you turned away.

Yoongi's hard exterior dropped when you moved to look back at the pet shop soon to fall in front of the two's feet. "Yes master." He whimpered under his breath.


As soon as you opened the door to the store, you were met with Kim Namjoon, trying to flirt with a very adorable looking girl. They both were beside the desk, the female swinging her legs as she sat on-top of the table, and Namjoon beside her, seemingly trying to look 'chill'.

The girl had her dark brown hair cut below her shoulders, much longer then yours, which only met below your ears. Near the of her hair, was a pastel pink mingled with brown. Her eyes were wide and an extremely attractive dark brown, while an introverted and modest smile was on her face, you could vividly see how white her teeth were.

Namjoon was about to ask the girl a question, but soon turned at the sound of a bell ringing. He took a nervous breath through his teeth, and tenderly smiled towards you, before his eyes met Min Yoongi's, and a frightening look came over his face.

Yoongi only smirked.

"This is Azade, My work partner."

"Work partner my ass." Yoongi droned, before he silently moved his eyes over the room, he moved past the desk and into a room at the back, and you just had the deep feeling like Yoongi missed this place.

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