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One month after the incident.


"I'm not cheating!"

"For fuck sake Yoongi, your over the line! That doesn't count! Can't you just go easy on me for once?"

The couples rambling was soon forced to a stop when the other couple lounging on the bench both yelled their thoughts.

"Yoongi-Hyung was over the three point line, doesn't count." Jimin hummed cockily, throwing his hand back and forth as if he was a judge.

Bella only smiled slyly. "We all know you can smash him Tao, Both in bed and out."

"Are you serious?" Yoongi barked, slamming the perfecting innocent ball against the parks basketball court.

In seconds of anger he slowly calmed. "Yeah okay, yours." He called, passing the ball to his girlfriend.

"Get a three pointer for me, my princess." He over dramatically and flirtatiously winked and licked his plump little lips, his fangs showing from underneath his gums.

"You wish." Tao scoffed. "I play netball and Australian football, not basketball—" as she threw the ball into the air, her lips suddenly sealed in shock when the ball actually went through the hoop.

"AND WITH A SWISH?!" Yoongi cheered, jumping into the air as his furry ears shook with excitement.

Jimin only clapped and cheered with Bella on the side lines. As he deemed her shot a '20 point goal.'

It all seemed warm and calm now, as if the storm had finally finished. They had finally jumped over their hurdles.

Lawyers were put into action long ago, today was the day the group would find out if they could ever feel safe again.

Maybe the excitement was short lived, because as the two couples playing one on one started to go back at each other, the black haired kitten bounced he ball through the girls legs and quickly got a point from getting the ball in hoop.

Tao's phone rang from her pocket, and she quickly fished it out as the group silenced in anticipation.

This was most definitely a call from her lawyer.

"Hello, Tao." Jin spoke softly through the phone. Tao felt her hands shake from the anticipation, a cold sweat bursting through her body. "I have a bad news, and a good news."

Jin,  her Lawyer, was soft and delicate to his clients yet harsh and cruel in court. Tao has always knew she could trust this man with her and her Kittens future.

"Can we have the good news?" Yoongi asked. Moving to wrap his arms around the girls waist, insuring that his hug would calm her down.

"Of course, I would be delighted to tell you two love Kits, that Kim Apple, has been sentenced 5 years for intimidation and stalking. With all the other laws she's broken, she'll be gone for at least 15 years. She's also been fined with $35,000 dollars, which will all go to the two of you."

The couple cheered, the Kitten moving to wrap his mate in a snuggling hug, his head moving into her collarbone. He mischievously pecked at her skin in excitement. He couldn't help himself.

Just the radiance of happiness coming from his girlfriend made him happy. This news gave them a new path to take.

He know knew that without a threat they could have kits, he just wouldn't tell Tao he was thinking of that yet. He knew she'd be happy to make a family with him, but he didn't know where to start.

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