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Don't forget to comment and vote, sometimes I can't seem to write without a push, you're support gives me that.

It felt foreign, you hadn't felt so loved and admired in such a long time. The pang of warmth hit you as soon as you woke up to a Hybrid wrapped around your body, and tightly grasping.

You had the feeling he only loved you as an owner or in his case 'master' type relationship, you knew he wasn't really interested wholeheartedly, he was only a Hybrid.

So you had to think about what you were doing, and how you could keep such an angel safe in such a scary world.

That 'Apple' chick was after you, and wanted your baby Yoon all to herself, it seemed as though she wouldn't stop till she got.

You never wanted him hurt. Should you just let Namjoon take him back?

You tried to ignore the pain in your heart, getting up and slipping away from the Kit's heavily asleep body, you left in only a thin extra large shirt to make breakfast.

Namjoon was soon to meet you at your apartment for a sharp 10:00am, Bella and Jimin were already sitting on the couch, watching the kissing booth when you woke up.

"Oh, hey guys." You smiled, patting your best friend's head, before kissing the Hybrid-dog's forehead in admiration, you watched as his dog ears flicked in interest.

The two both looked up, and when Bella and your eyes met, you both screamed, Bella jumping onto the top of the couch, wrapping you around her warm arms.

She then whispered in your ear. "Did you see?"

"Yes I fucking did." You growled in her ear, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Bella froze alittle from beside you. "Um..."

"Noona!" Jimin yelled, jumping onto the back of the couch to be at identical height. "I had sex with Bella!"


"No! No! Jimin!" Bella screamed, not even seeming to frighten the enthusiastic hybrid. "Kissing isn't sex!"

"Yes it is!"

"No it isn't!" Bella stood, grabbing Jimins hand in an exaggerated manner. "You never listen to me."

You took that as your time to leave, savouring the moment but nonetheless feeling the jealousy deep in your stomach.

You wish you had someone like that, Yoongi don't really count, although your mind told you to just give in. Were you even sure he was interested?

Yoongi's personal perspective;

Waking up with heavy eyelids wasn't something Yoongi enjoyed, although the positive side to waking up was knowing he had fallen asleep with Tao in his arms.

Or maybe...

Him being wrapped around you, literally.

He just wished he could've gone all the way last night, but he knew deep within that she surely didn't like him the way he liked her.

She was his owner anyway.

He groggily stood from the confinement of the warm bedding, slipping un-knowingly into Tao's second pair of slippers, before he shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen, not seeming to care on how he looked, even when he could smell visitors.

All he wanted to do was touch you, smell your Vanilla scented clothes.

As the voices got louder, Suga only shrugged it off and walked to the fridge, not seeming to care when the group turned silent.

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