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A/N- do y'all want a face reveal....?

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

The Hybrid had been circling and sniffing the whole mansion for over an hour. He had rang you around thirty four times. His lovers name had left his mouth seventy times in the span of that time.

He was freaking out.

Azade was the last person to see you. Bella had no idea where you were. Jimin was freaking out too.

Someone had snatched Yoongi's arm, it wasn't a hard hold, it was soft. Yoongi could smell the person before he could even turn to inspect them.

Azade stood there, shock written clear on her face. She tugged at his shirt, her face pale and her eyes wide. She smelt of, shock.

"It's Namjoon, quick!"

As soon as they stood outside his bedroom door, it was silent. Yoongi could hear Azade's erratically beating heart as though it was next to his ear. Her clammy hands held his reassurance, but right now he probably needed it more then her.

Azade hurriedly pulled the door open, claiming that she could hear cries inside minutes ago, but didn't want to go in alone.

"I can defend myself, but I didn't want to risk getting hurt." Azade had mumbled as she looked over the pitch black room, before flicking the bright light on.

They stared at the mess in front of them. Lying on the floor was a clearly flustered and disorientated Kim Namjoon.

Yoongi listened intensely as Azade went to check on him. Hearing the males slow heartbeat, he let out a sigh of relief.

But that sigh of relief was sucked back in when the next pair of words left the males lips.

"She's got Tao. She knew all along."


Panic attack; Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear that may include palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

It hurt, it burned.

Yoongi couldn't hold in his sobs as he sat on Bella's sofa. Jimin wrapped around him as a big spoon.

"It's okay Suga Hyung. We'll get her."

He was stiff, but didn't snap. "I know." He sniffed, holding the Young's hands in his own for comfort. Bella was asleep in her own bed, or probably trying to.

It was silent, thoughts ticked through the hybrids heads. Jimin wanted to fill the silence, but he didn't know what to say.


Yoongi sighed, he couldn't sleep, maybe he could just listen to Jimin talking on and on and how much he loved Bella or some shit.

"I don't like the silence."

"It's not silent anymore is it?" Yoongi scoffed a little, before he immediately sniffed and rubbed his nose.

"Well... I just, I'm scared, and I know it'll take a while for us to sleep."

"You're the one scared?" Suga growled under his breath, but he seemed to tired to slap the pup behind him. "My mate is missing."

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