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[because you guys really wanted a full book!! :) <3 I also wanna add how quickly this book is getting views!! Thank you!]

It was the afternoon, and while Yoongi wanted to just cuddle and sleep with you all day. (Don't be nasty.) You didn't seem to have the time for his clingy-ness, and he was now in a grumpy mood.

You forced your arm forwards to meet the handle of the cafés door, it didn't seem to open as you wished, and you tried to push it again.

"It's a pull door, not a push."

You hear his husky voice drawl from behind you, his chest was against your back like he was your body guard, but you were quick to know he was just really, really clingy, and really, really, protective.

You face palmed.

"I...knew that." You swallowed, quickly pulling at the door and leaving it to slide into Yoongi's face. Luckily he had grumpily halted it from slamming into his gorgeous face.

You fluster towards the seat of four, towards your best friend; Isabella, and her pet, who seemed to look....





A boy, or, man— Puppy.

With fluffy blonde hair, and wide brown eyes, the boy sat clad of a white shirt, denim jeans and a denim jacket. He sat close to Isabella, and seemed extremely nervous as he watched you sit down, hands fiddling with the napkins.

"Thank god you're here!" Bella leaned over the table, wrapping her arms around you as you did to her. You immediately calmed, not worrying about what the next few days would bring while you were in her arms, breathing in your best friends scent.

The two pulled away, and Bella watched as the male, black unbrushed hair, and narrow black eyes, sat beside you. A scowl was clear on his face, clad of black attire, he glared and couldn't seem to take his eyes off the two blondes across from him and his owner.

"This must be Yoongi." Bella smiled nervously, blinking towards the kitten like he was ready to pounce and eat her whole. "This is Jimin, Jimin, meet my best friend; Tao."

Jimin moved his eyes to meet the girl across from his own owner. A wide and very open smile fell onto his plump lips, and you gladly smiled back.

"It's nice to finally meet you in human form." Jimin then excitedly turned to Yoongi, the boy across from him. "HYUNG! You got such a pretty Noona! Oh wow~ I knew you'd get someone good. And guess what Hyung! I got a pretty one too!—" Jimin seemed to gush on and on, Yoongi only seemed to sourly stare at the blonde as he continued, and stopped, breathed, and then continued to talk about everything he had done while in the span of being out of the pet shop.

"Well..." Bella sighed, tearing both your eyes away from the two and towards each other. "I already ordered for you."

"You remembered—"

"The classic, Queen 'V' slice? Of course not!" Bella smiled sweetly. "I got the town boys a frappé each, rocky road for Jimin, and mint chocolate for your kit."

"Thanks cutie." You smiled, pinching at your best friends cheek. "What did you get for yourself?"

"As if you don't know what I got." Bella wheezed, her laughter very light, between the excited talking from Jimin, her pet.

"A caramel slice?" You winked her way, before food soon piled in front of all four of you, and the two pets were staring, confused at the food in front of them.

"What...why...." Yoongi only seemed to mutter as he stared at the mint green drink. "It's... green?" He slowly turned to meet his owners eyes, they were wide and curious, seemingly searching for answers as he waited for your response.

"It's a Chocolate Mint Frappé." You smiled, before moving to take a sip of his drink, after you watched his face turn into uncertainty,  he didn't trust this weird substance.

He gaped. "Tao! That could be poisonous!" He growled, trying to snatch it back as you slid it back in front of him, swallowing the drink his eyes halted towards you, as you spoke up.

"I'm not dead though, so drink it."

"But..." He looked down at the drink, then to Jimin, who was chugging his down like it was vodka, or maybe champagne. "You put your lips on it."

A smile adorned on your face. "And? It'll just be like a kiss."

"A... kiss?!" He hummed, it only took him a few minutes of thinking to then slowly sip at the mint drink. You curiously watched as he nervously looked away from your eyes.

"Yes." You giggled. "Don't be scared to drink it just because I put my lips on it."

"Oh... it's not that." He sighed, suddenly and only know growing some confidence. "I like kisses, just not around other people."

"And, I would only really be intimate with someone I'm really interested in, I wouldn't just kiss someone I've only known for a short time."


Your heart is like a ticking time bomb, it's hammering and wow, are your cheeks heating up?!

Still somehow, his words are muddled in your brain, it gives you the warmth but somehow the shatter in between. He mustn't see you the way you may see him, even though it's wrong.

You look away as Bella speaks up again, her face is serious. It must seem the reason we're here has came into action.

"Now, why we're here." Bella sighed. Silently meeting your eyes, you could tell this look was a although silent, screaming call of, 'I'm lost, and I'm confused.'

"Boys, you need to listen to this too you know? A lot of things will be changing from what it used to be." You piped up, turning to already meet the kittens gaze. The two nodded in understanding.

"Seeing as you two are no longer... Physical animals, we can't keep everything the same as it used to be. You can't just do nothing all day. This is the real world, and whether you like it or not boys, we gotta pay our bills."

"We can't afford having an extra person in our home." You sighed, frustratedly rubbing at your temple. "I don't want to say this, I don't want to have to make you both work, but..."

"That's exactly what she's saying." Bella rolled her eyes, but then gave her best friend a sympathetic smile.

"We both work for Law and order, a very successful business. We both have pretty high positions, and if we persuade our boss to get assistants for us, we can get you guys jobs..."

Jimin beamed. "I just want to be with my Noona's!"

"Of course." Bella smiled, timidly moving to clasp at her puppies hand. "We'll try and get this to work, but while we do so, try to help out at home okay?"

"Just don't cook, please." You sighed.

[oki doki do, I just feel like talking to ya'll, how is everyone? What are you all think about this book? Is it okayyyy?? I have a few plans ;) I hope you'll all like them....]

I'm trying to make it steamy but not too steamy, like noodles, you know what I mean?

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I'm trying to make it steamy but not too steamy, like noodles, you know what I mean?

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