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Just wanted you guys to know that I published a new book that you guys might like! It's called The Criminal and her Lil' Bunny. So please help your author out and give it a vote and comment!!

"Okay, don't get too excited..." You had slipped beside a napping Yoongi on the couch. You moved your hand up against his ear and rubbed till little moans and purrs left the males lips.

The Kitten cracked open one eye and peered over at his girlfriend. His tail moving to sit against the girls thigh.

"What is it princess?" He muttered, as he gradually opened the other eye to give his full attention to you. As he waited for your unleaded answer, he slipped closer beside you and wrapped his arms delicately around your form.

"I..." it was hard to get the words out of your mouth. It felt as though a frog had been lodged in there and all you could say was 'I- gulp-O-hiccup.'

You turned beetroot red when you realised you couldn't get the words out of your throat. Yoongi only raised an eyebrow, he thought you were cute, but he was a little impatient.

"You're acting weird." He muttered, before the ears on top of his head moved as though he was scouting for noise. His hands moved to hold your cheek in his large cold and callus hands. It immediately soothed you down.

You took a deep breath, before grabbing Yoongi's hand from your cheek and intwining your two hands. "I know, and it might stay like that for a while..."

Yoongi froze a little. "You're not breaking up with me... right?"

For the, maybe fourth time, your cheeks brightened. His time it wasn't in embarrassment, it was in shame.

"I- you need to stop jumping to conclusions like that." You muttered, in which Yoongi only narrowed his eyes at.

You narrowed your eyes back. "I thought it would be obvious," You spoke, he had a seventh sense, surely he could hear it.

"You're seriously making me guess?" He rolled his eyes, and you pinched his furry ear in retaliation.

"You just need to listen." You smiled lightly, grabbing the remote from the coffee table and switching the television off. He furrowed his eyebrows as his furry ears raised.

It was silent.

The males eyes and ears perked. Tail quivering and nose scrunching. Words could no longer seem to leave his lips either when he realised.

"You're pregnant?"

"HOLY FUCK MY MATES PREGNANT!" He freaked, his cold and callus hands moving to touch your stomach as excitement was clear in his eyes.

"Yes," you giggled as his cold hands lifted your shirt and met your warm skin. "Now don't get too excited and go telling everyone. I'm only three weeks."

Yoongi blinked, then glared. "Three weeks?! You knew and didn't tell me for three weeks?"

"The only reason I didn't tell you because I wasn't ready. It's not that I didn't trust you or didn't think you were ready."

He only nodded, before wrapping his body around your own. "Thank you, thank you for buying me, thank you for saving me, keeping me and letting me be your mate."

"No thank you, Min Yoongi."



Min Yoongi woke up to loud obnoxious screams, smashing and the daily sound of something or someone crying. One year ago he thought having children was a blessing, some days he thought it was a curse.

"Turn the alarm off or I'll smash it." He whispered in a tired drawl, rolling back over to scoop his mate into a cuddle. He landed with nothing in his arms and a splash of cold to his eyes as he forced his eyes open.

That's not an alarm. He barked to himself. It's the kid again.

He wretchedly pulled himself out of bed and down the hall, till he was met with a disaster.

His daughter, only a year and a bit old was screaming and crying at the top of her lungs as she sat on her mothers lap. Her ears shaking, lips quivering eyes pooling with tears.

Her little kitten tail was wrapped around her mother's wrist as she patted the girls head.

"What's going on?!" Yoongi barked over his daughters pained screams, his soma ant and very 'alpha' side growing.

He's not an alpha, he acts like it.

The daughter stopped and was silenced immediately, her eye widened towards her father as growls and profanities left his lips.

"Thank you," Tao sighed, tiredly rubbing her eyes. "She's scared of the snakes on the television but doesn't wan tri change the channel."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. Slowly pulling the remote away from his daughter. "Seriously Jia, what are you? My alarm or my daughter?"

She only laughed, grabbing onto her fathers arms and feeling heralded loft into the air as she sat at his chest.

He peppered his daughter with little kisses as she giggled before Yoongi moved the both of them to sit with his exhausted mate, he let her rest on his shoulder as his daughter sat on his lap.

"I'm your daughter!" She bubbly replied.

Min Jia.

Bringing someone into the light of their family wasn't just a blessing and a curse but a new start to a story. Two mated growing a young Hybrid Kitten into the world allowed them to watch her bloom and start her own chapter.

- I'm sad, the books complete. Now I have nothing to live for lmao, kidding. I'm writing a few books, one as you guys know published, another called The Crown, a Jimin Fan Fiction. A Prince AU. It will be published soon. I also have another book that's called The Diamond Daughter. Which is set in the underground/mafia. (It may not be a fan fiction. Tell me if I should below.)

The crown - fan fiction

The Criminal and her lil' bunny. - fan fiction

The Diamond Daughter -
FICTION ? (You guys choose!)

Thank you guys for helping me with this book, I'm sorry f finished so quickly. ❤️

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