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"How do they fit?" You had asked, after an hour of silence in the warm household, you were fed up, why the sudden change of behaviour? You were going to ask the Hybrid of the house.

"They fit great." He muttered, not bothering to stray his eyes away from the tv and look you in the eyes, nor did he bother to keep the conversation.

"What's your problem?" You glared, aiming your questions at Yoongi, as he lazily sat staring at the show on the tv. Not bothering to meet your eyes.

He finally looked up after you stepped forwards, hands on your waist and a glare deep enough to scare away a two year old on your face.

His own glare was dark and bothered. His lip pulled up in a snarl and he stood from his seat. It was as if face to face, the two were close to the same height and were eye to eye, literally.

"I don't have a problem."

"Oh okay." You scoffed, hard, and spoke with heavy sarcasm. Rolling your eyes. "You're totally not angry for some unknown reason."

"Unknown reason?!" Yoongi snarled, so hard in fact you couldn't help but see the fangs hidden behind his plump lips.

"You're drenched in the smell of male, more then just one, why wouldn't I be fucking angry?"

"Why are you angry that I was with my friends? My closest friends?" You didn't seem to realise how angry Yoongi was acting, but it was dismissed as your phone rang in your pocket.

You angrily pointed your two fingers at Suga, who's scowl only hardened. "I'm watching you."

You then proceeded to saunter away and into the kitchen to answer the call coming from your phone.


As soon as you pressed the green button on your screen, and turned towards your fridge, to pull out todays lunch, the screeching voice of your best friend came through the line.


You had to take a second, to just think of what to say to her. You could tell by the tone of her voice, she was trying to act calm, when really, she was hiding the tornado inside.


"Y-yeah? Y-ou're just saying 'Yeah'? Like my pet isn't speaking fluent English and watching sailor moon?"

You really had to think about what to say. The more she spoke the harder it was for you to give her an explanation.

"Bella, calm down."

"He's staring at me. Oh my god Tao, he just spoke Satoori. Tao, help me."

"I'm only giving you a quick explanation, listen to me." You took a deep intake of air. "The pets we got from Namjoon's store were Hybrids, you were right."


"For once..."

Bella tried to speak, stuttering over the phone, while you were too occupied in speaking to your hyperventilating best friend, you didn't realise the sly and mischievous Hybrid slipping into the kitchen and moving to stand behind you, as you spoke.

"Now, Jimin is just like my Kitten, Right?"

"If your kitten is actually a human, walking on two legs and speaking with a really husky and hot voice then YES."

"Okay, just, talk to him, turn off the TV. We'll catch up to speak about this tomorrow morning... Got it? At the café."

The café that the both used to work at when you were still in schooling.

"Yes." The tone of Bella's voice sounded nervous, but you knew well enough she could look after a boy for a night before you both arranged something.

You hung up the phone, moving to place it on the table before moving your hands to massage your temple.

Oh, but something stopped you, wrapping around your own wrist, was a pale and large hand.


"You think our conversations done because someone rang you? Seriously Tao, I want to know why you smell like that!"

"I already told you." You moaned, tiredly pushing your own body against the kitchen counter. You just wanted to sleep.

Yoongi only scoffed.

"They're our neighbours Yoongi, few of my three closest friends, do you expect me to not hug them, and shower them with love?"

"Shower them with love?!" Yoongi's eyes widened, although he still seemed as pissed as before. "Why don't I get that? I'm your pet!"

"You're not my pet anymore, Yoongi." You sighed, taking in the sudden sad look in his eyes, poor boy. Your heart hammered, you didn't mean it like that.

"N-not like that, Yoongi."

"Like what then?" He sighed, his persona suddenly dropped with depression, his sadness shot through the air, his eyes showing how morbid he really was.

"Just because your my pet does not mean I don't love you any less." You moved your fingers, to force his eyes to meet yours, You were sure you could see a sparkle in his eyes.

Still, a big pout was on his lips.

"I may not show it often Kitty, but I love you a lot. You'll always be my tear."

And like that, a little, frustrated, tear ran down his flushed cheek.

You nuzzled him into your warmth, wrapping your arms around his neck, as he almost immediately moved to hold your waist in his hands. He was quick to nuzzle his head between your neck and shoulder, as his chest was strongly forced against your own.

"I love you."

"I love you too, kitty."

Kitten » YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now